Relocating an above ground pool


Well-known member
Jun 7, 2014
St. Bernise, Indiana
We are moving this summer. The pool is coming with us. I'm going to hire the pool company that installed the pool originally to tear it down, move it and put it back up. I consider it a unique opportunity to fix all the stuff I didn't like about my original pool set up. Do any of you that have moved a pool have any advice for me?
Hope your liner survives the move and no rust is found.
The liner needs to be replaced anyway. It has had a rough life. Two years ago I ended up with insecticide in my pool. We farm and the water tanker hose used to fill the pool was contaminated. It was awful. I completely drained the pool, rinsed the liner, then caused a massive 10" tear with a sump pump. The patch has held, I have no idea how or why. I doubt it would survive the trip
Definitely get the new liner. Sounds like the pool company shouldn't have any problems getting you torn down n set back up.
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