Rant about gifts


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Jun 7, 2017
Damascus, MD
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Jandy Aquapure 1400
Yes, I am looking a gift-horse in the mouth. But no, I am not saying this to the gifter. Really just a PSA for anyone that may not have though about this.

Please do not give people event tickets unless you are sure ahead of time that they are both interested and have the time to go.

Almost 2 years ago I got a "cooking class" as a gift. I still haven't used it because for one the class is a good hour drive and for 2 I do not really have the interest in going. But I was dunned and dragged into scheduling it, it was finally scheduled with the school, and we are going this Saturday. Other stuff has come up that we now have to cancel. What a total PITA! Honestly I would rather have nothing. And I HAVE asked and actually begged, almost on my knees begging, to NOT get any gifts for any special occasions. I do not need a single thing. Really, I don't! But people absolutely INSIST on giving gifts. I do know the gifts are from the heart so I can only rant on Internet boards about them. But really, just as a PSA, if someone tells you they don't want or need anything, do them a favor, don't give them anything! I have a closet FULL of sweaters with tags still on them that I have been given as gifts. When you reach a certain age, one really does not need anything else. A thoughtful card or handwritten note would be so much more appreciated than anything else, especially gift cards! Heck I even was given tickets to a "Beyonce" concert just last year! Huh?

Regifting can be a sport. Pass it forward.

We were given a gift certificate years ago to a very fancy restaurant that is tough to get a reservation at. Every few months we try. Always booked. They do say the gift certificate is still good if we can ever get a table.
My aunt/uncle have a re-gifting closet at their house to store their inventory throughout the year. I always get random stuff from them, some terrible and some which I could use/like but still clearly re-gifted. Everyone knows they do this and will sometimes give gifts intentionally cliche to watch to see if it gets re-gifted to someone they know.

My dad is terrible about accepting gifts and will let everyone know what he hates. My wife and I have stopped getting him gifts and if we do, it will be intentionally terrible or a gag gift.

When my wife says "you are so hard to shop for", my response is always "its not that hard, you know where the liquor store is".
Next time you get something like that, re-gift it to a charity. Those cooking classes are not for everyone, but can fetch a good price at a silent auction.

At least you get the tax write-off for it then :)
I know exactly how you feel. I recently bought a Gulfstream G650 and had it custom designed for me.

My friends all gave me tacky junk as gifts for my new plane.

I mean, I appreciate the thought, but I paid over $1,000,000.00 just for the custom finishes.

I really don't want to put their low quality stuff in my plane. It's embarrassing.

For example, a solid silver serving tray. Silver? Really? Please. How gauche.

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Being a teacher all I can say is.........................I SO understand!!! A walmart or Publix gift card so I can spend the money on the kids is what I NEED! I have a Starbucks card in my wallet from last year. I may be giving it away this year as I don't do Starbucks. I have a spot in my closet to put gifts until the spot is filled then I take them down to a thrift store that uses the money to pay for animal spays and neuters.
A walmart or Publix gift card so I can spend the money on the kids is what I NEED!

I am going to forward this to my children so my grandchildren can give gifts to their teachers that can be used. Along with the boxes of homemade cookies we make together for Christmas. Thank you for pointing to a better gift.
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I got some super good news today. The stupid cooking lesson has been cancelled. Sadly, it will be rescheduled at some point but at least for today I get a reprieve! :)
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My son is a techno wiz... so much so the big G company sends him around the world to fix their data centers. But can I get some time from him to set the computers up, or the new receiver he convinced us we needed but I can't make it work on all our speakers?? Can I get him to fix our stuff for us?? Noooooooope.

My ideal gift would be a weekend with him tweaking all our gadgets with NOT ONE moan, eye roll, techno babble explanation or whine.

I think this is an ideal gift. Would someone please tell him?? <sigh>

Maddie :flower:
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