Question about order of importance on test results


Also wife was looking on test instructions and there is a weird thing she found. The test for hardness on website says use 25ml water and 20 drops but paper with test kit says 10ml with 10 drops. Which is correct?
Either one.

Look at what each says to multiply the drops by for the PPM.
Which is correct?
Well. I think you quoted it wrong.

You can test to 10 CH increments by using a 25 ml sample, or to 25 CH increments by using a 10ml sample.

The size of the sample determines whether each drop is 10 or 25 CH. We have zero need for 10 resolution. Heck. 25 is probably closer than we need.

It's easier to make less drops and it saves supplies with the 10ml / 25 CH each drop way.