Quartzscape Plaster Issues - Ongoing with the GC


Mar 23, 2017
Katy, TX
I've had my pool up and running since April of this year. Enjoyed it all summer long. In June, we started seeing these black spots randomly throughout the pool.

NPT is the plaster manufacturer and they came out with my pool builder and stated it was metal stains embedded in the plaster due to the plaster subcontractor not using a filter on the fill water and plaster mix water to remove heavy metals.

They stated these stains could potentially continue to show up. We started with two, now we are closer to about 25. NPT stated that the only real way to fix the issue is to have the pool replastered.

The Contractor is being helpful and they are trying to come up with ways to not have to replaster the pool. First they wanted to polish the plaster, however NPT stated that would not work.

Now they want to drain the pool and perform an acid wash to the plaster.

Thoughts on this? Has anyone seen this before in aggregate plaster? I've attached some pictures, these are when I first noticed them. They have gotten darker and bigger in some cases. I'll try to take some additional photos tonight.

Just not sure what to do at this point...

Other fixes were trying to scrub it with Vitamin C, chlorine puck, and acid.

I posted about this previously, however I saw a post a minute ago and it stated to post these types of problems here. (https://www.troublefreepool.com/threads/78487-Why-Acid-Wash-New-Quartz-Pool-Finishes)

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


I remember a recent thread from another member that had the same issue. Their pool builder drained and did an acid wash. I do not remember them responding to the success of that process.

Remember, an acid wash degrades your plaster and shortens its life substantially. If that is what is needed, I would request a substantial rebate to cover the future cost of re-plastering.

Good luck.
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