Pump causing Circuit to trip


LifeTime Supporter
May 24, 2007
Staten Island NY
Last season my pump was tripping its circuit breaker. I closed the pool asi twas on the agenda that day anyway and replaced the capacitor. I started up my pool this season and the pump ran for 2 days. This morning I heard the pool start up for about 5 minutes and then stop. I cannot reset the circuit without it tripping immediately. Since I replaced the capacitor with marginal success, I assume something is causing the capacitor to go????

Not sure if this is related but it did pour this morning. Everything seems dry but I did not open anything yet.

I will probably purchase a new pump due to timing, but would like to troubleshoot and have a reserve on hand.

The pump is a Hayward super pump 1.5 HP.
Probably water leaking into the pump causing corrosion and the GFCI trip.

What condition is the motor in? Any corrosion on it? And signs of water drips? You open the electrical connection box and see what the connections look like?
thanks. I ordered a cheap pump and will try to dry out the existing and test the pump again. If I can get it to NOT trip the circuit, I'll replace the gaskets again.

I'll post my results but think it will probably be late this season or next. :-(