Apr 16, 2013
I am wondering why the returning water is so strong. I have two skimmers and a maindrain. I have to keep the three valves closed maybe a quarter otherwise I pull air. Nothing leaking on top. my pool is 16x32 x28. Starite S7D75 D.E. Filter with whisper flo 1.5 HP pump. PSI IS at 20 for start up. Do I need to re apply D.E.? It’s clean but every year the water comes out of the return harder than spa jets. Thanks
Most people complain that they can not get enough pressure out of their returns.

I am not sure what problem you are trying to fix.

The return and spa flows are affected by all of your equipment and valves. Please create your signature with details of your pool and equipment and post pics of your equipment pad to help us understand your situation.
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