Pressure/Water flow issue

May 28, 2018
Dalton, MA
Hi, having an issue with my pressure shooting way up over the course of about an hour and the water flow slows significantly. This has happened quite suddenly. It first occurred yesterday. I figured it needed to be backwashed so I did that this morning. Went out for a couple hours, came back and once again pressure was high, water flow was low. So I backwashed once again. Same issue occurred. I should note that yesterday the pool was crystal clear. This morning it was a bit hazy. Pool has been open for about 4 weeks with no issues. It’s a DE filter. The “fingers” were stored over the winter and cleaned by the pool company. Not sure what is going on. Has anyone dealt with a similar issue? Any pointers would be much appreciated as I’m still fairly new to the whole pool maintenance thing.

Welcome to TFP... a great place to find the answers to all your "Strange Pressure" questions.. :shark:

The number one cause of the issue you have described is algae... Plain and simple your filter is doing its job. And because it is a DE filter it is doing a great job.

As the filter collects the algae your pressure goes up and the flow goes down... You backwash and things are ok for while, and then it is "Rinse and repeat" all over again.

If your pool is cloudy you almost certainly have algae.. You can run an Overnight Chlorine Loss Test to find out for sure... Here is how... Overnight Chlorine Loss Test


Jim R.
Thanks! I’ll definitely run that test. Algae never even occurred to me. I figured since the water was only like 68-70 degrees that it was something else causing it. This pool has been a nightmare since we bought the house. We keep having to fix stuff that the previous owner messed up. I figured this was yet another thing to add to the list.
So, with algae, is it not always a greenish color or stains on the floor/walls of the pool? It can manifest as just a slight haze to the water? Sorry for all the questions. I’m just really new to this and I’m trying to do as much maintenance as I can without calling the pool company. Thanks!
You are correct. Algae can cause cloudy water prior to attaching to the walls, floor, etc.

How are you testing your water? How are you chlorinating your water?

Take care.

Yes, your water does not have to be green to have algae..

TFP is all about maintaining your pool without having to deal with pool service companies... In a nut shell, it is a pool care process where the pool owner tests their own pool water and then uses the info on this site to decide what needs to be added (or not added) to a pool to keep it clear, clean, and sanitized...

The OCLT test that I talked about is just one of those methods... If interested you should check out our Pool School... Pool School - Pool School

Here is a quick overview...

TFPC for Beginners

TFPC stands for Trouble Free Pool Care. The TFPC method of taking care of your pool focuses on using simple techniques that don't cost too much and work reliably in nearly all situations. Using TFPC, you avoid putting anything in your water that you don't need and which may cause problems. This allows you to save money and spend your time swimming, instead of driving to the pool store to buy yet another expensive solution to a problem you didn't need to have in the first place.

The keys to a beautiful pool are consistency, testing, and chlorine. You need to be consistent. Spending just a couple of minutes every single day can save you hours and hours of work later on. You need to test the water so you know what is going on and can figure out what to do to keep everything in balance. And you need to use chlorine.

None of the alternatives to chlorine works reliably and consistently in outdoor pools. Almost every problem people have with chlorine comes from pools that are not properly maintained. If you keep a chlorine pool the right way, people will ask you what you are using instead of chlorine. Almost all of the problems people associate with chlorine are actually problems that come from bad pool maintenance.

The best investment you can make in your pool is a top quality water test kit. Accurate water test results will save you time and money again and again. The TF Test Kits TF100, Taylor K-2006, and Leslie's Chlorine FAS-DPD Service Test Kit are the current stand-out choices on the market. All three include the FAS-DPD chlorine test, and are based on Taylor chemistry.


Jim R.
So just a quick update. The pool has gone back to crystal clear and the length of time between when I need to bump it has been slowly increasing. So it is definitely looking better. I went in swimming this evening and I notice a definite not so much sliminess but a slightly slippery feel on the floor. Not so much on the walls. I’m assuming that’s our good friend algae. What’s the best way to get rid of that? A good brushing and increase chlorine?

You need to do what we call a SLAM... here is how.... SLAM Process

In order to do a SLAM you need an accurate test kit you can use at home to test your water..

I use the TF-100, but the Taylor k-2006C (yes, the C is important) works as well..


Jim R.

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