Powdered Stabilizer?


Bronze Supporter
Jul 20, 2022
New Jersey
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Hayward Turbo Cell (T-CELL-5)
Today the dealer comes and installs the filer and SWG along with the electrician to install the circuits.

I started to fill the socks with stabilizer, opened the bag and it's powdered! I was totally surprised!!!😮 I bought a 10 lb bag of it from Amazon since it was a good price.

Anyone used powdered stabilizer? If yes, is the effect almost instantaneous?

Hopefully it works or else it's a trip to the pool store.☹️
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It says it is 99% Cyanuric acid so I think it is fine. Prices sure have gone up though, I paid that price for 25lbs a little over a year ago.
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Looks good to me. Were you expecting to pour a liquid into the sock?

Also, expect it to take 1-3 days to fully dissolve in the sock. So its not exactly instantaneous like a liquid, but does not take too long either.
Looks good to me. Were you expecting to pour a liquid into the sock?

Also, expect it to take 1-3 days to fully dissolve in the sock. So its not exactly instantaneous like a liquid, but does not take too long either.
I was expecting granular that looks like rock salt which is what I've always used, I was not expecting powder.

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It says it is 99% Cyanuric acid so I think it is fine. Prices sure have gone up though, I paid that price for 25lbs a little over a year ago.
Yeah, prices have gone up a lot. 3 years ago I was buying gallons of bleach for $2.59 which was a bargain vs pool chlorine now it's $5.65. Doing the math I figured it was better to get a SWG to possibly break even; forget about trichlor! As I started researching things for the new pool and had prices from 3 years ago in my head it was an eye opener. The only thing that looks like stayed the same was winter covers but I bet they are made cheaper to cut costs.
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I was expecting granular that looks like rock salt which is what I've always used, I was not expecting powder.
Ah, got it... that makes much more sense :)

I guess I just have used the granular. Hopefully, the powder dissolves much faster, but I would still use the sock.
Hopefully, the powder dissolves much faster
From visiting pool supply houses, the back room contains the CYA powder, while, if they sell to the public, the front room contains the granular or prills.
The commercial pool maintenance outfits near me buy the powder by the pallet in blue 50 pound plastic buckets that look like beer barrels.

The only difference is the powder is ground down sufficiently fine, they tell me, for the pool maintenance team to save time for them.
In years past I would bring an empty container and the cashier would sell me the powder at the same price as the granules were sold in the store.

In all cases of pool stores by me, they won't normally sell the powder to the public.
(It's the same at the hardware stores where they will sell you the stuff they only sell to pros if you ask them nicely and seem like you know what you're doing.)

I looked up the dangers of the powder versus the granules and the MSDS says (they're both) an irritant if inhaled.
We can presume the powder is more easily inhaled if breathed in.

Certainly CYA "cakes" upon contact with water so I wouldn't want it to do that inside your trachea so my safety advice for those who use the powder is...
  • Don't breathe it in
From visiting pool supply houses, the back room contains the CYA powder, while, if they sell to the public, the front room contains the granular or prills.
The commercial pool maintenance outfits near me buy the powder by the pallet in blue 50 pound plastic buckets that look like beer barrels.

The only difference is the powder is ground down sufficiently fine, they tell me, for the pool maintenance team to save time for them.
In years past I would bring an empty container and the cashier would sell me the powder at the same price as the granules were sold in the store.

In all cases of pool stores by me, they won't normally sell the powder to the public.
(It's the same at the hardware stores where they will sell you the stuff they only sell to pros if you ask them nicely and seem like you know what you're doing.)

I looked up the dangers of the powder versus the granules and the MSDS says (they're both) an irritant if inhaled.
We can presume the powder is more easily inhaled if breathed in.

Certainly CYA "cakes" upon contact with water so I wouldn't want it to do that inside your trachea so my safety advice for those who use the powder is...
  • Don't breathe it in
Good to know about the powder stabilizer!

On a similar note to what you're saying I walked into an electrical supply house needing a GFI breaker and was wearing my company shirt. The person behind the counter gave me the professional discount and that breaker cost less than had I bought it at Home Depot.
From visiting pool supply houses, the back room contains the CYA powder, while, if they sell to the public, the front room contains the granular or prills.
The commercial pool maintenance outfits near me buy the powder by the pallet in blue 50 pound plastic buckets that look like beer barrels.

The only difference is the powder is ground down sufficiently fine, they tell me, for the pool maintenance team to save time for them.
In years past I would bring an empty container and the cashier would sell me the powder at the same price as the granules were sold in the store.

In all cases of pool stores by me, they won't normally sell the powder to the public.
(It's the same at the hardware stores where they will sell you the stuff they only sell to pros if you ask them nicely and seem like you know what you're doing.)

I looked up the dangers of the powder versus the granules and the MSDS says (they're both) an irritant if inhaled.
We can presume the powder is more easily inhaled if breathed in.

Certainly CYA "cakes" upon contact with water so I wouldn't want it to do that inside your trachea so my safety advice for those who use the powder is...
  • Don't breathe it in
Wow!! I learn something new every day. I had no idea the powder is generally not sold to the public. Now I’m curious for next season lol
The granular stabilizer seemed to work great but it did clump up some. My stabilizer was 0 last night since starting up the pool and it was 80 this morning. It may overshoot but I'll test it again once the water has been really circulating to see if any residual stabilizer was not accounted for.
The granular stabilizer seemed to work great but it did clump up some. My stabilizer was 0 last night since starting up the pool and it was 80 this morning. It may overshoot but I'll test it again once the water has been really circulating to see if any residual stabilizer was not accounted for.

How much did you add? For the record, I have never had granular CYA clump up.
How much did you add? For the record, I have never had granular CYA clump up.
I am thinking about 8 lbs or so.

The instructions said put in a bucket of water to predisolve and that's where I saw clumping. It did dissolve very quickly in the skimmer basket.

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