PoolMath Suggestions / Observations


Gold Supporter
Oct 31, 2021
Allen, TX
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Pentair iChlor 30
Hello! So I have been using PM for about a month now. I have also looked at the competitor apps as well just to draw a comparison. Overall, I think the PM app is great and certainly get's you the info that you need. Here is a suggestion on a future enhancement:
Inventory of Supplies - it would be great if you could record the various chemicals (chlorine, stabalizer, acid, etc) that you buy. As an optional field, allow the user to type in the price paid. As the user add's chemicals to the pool - deduct this from the stored inventory and then alert the user when a certain product is starting to get low so that the user can reorder. It could be just generic entries or if we really wanted to be cool perhaps add links to various products recommended by TFP and then a generic entry ability for people that do not buy the specific recommended brand.

Ultimately - this should allow the user to then run monthly, quarterly, etc. reports to see how much money they are spending on pool care.

Another suggestion is on the name. Not trying to hurt anyone's feelings - but calling it poolmath is like calling your corvette just a car - yes - that is what it functionally does but do you want to say you drive a car or a corvette :) Personally, I think you should consider rebranding it to TFP to draw more attention to TFP. In the description, you can list pool math, pool care, etc. so that people looking for an app can find it. Anyway - just my thoughts.
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You can track expenses. Poolmath does not track inventory.

I do not see inventory management being a big problem that PoolMath needs to solve.

You can track expenses. Poolmath does not track inventory.

I do not see inventory management being a big problem that PoolMath needs to solve.

View attachment 575891
I disagree. At the core of the app is the ability to calculate and track the pools chemical levels. The app does that. Inventory management provides a useful feature that would be an add on.
I disagree. At the core of the app is the ability to calculate and track the pools chemical levels. The app does that. Inventory management provides a useful feature that would be an add on.
On that same note - the fact that you can track costs is a feature that isn't really a problem to solve but it was decided to allow the function. Keeping track of inventory is just one additional step above just tracking expenses. Just my humble opinion.
Please note, the following post is likely gonna contain multiple typos as work kicked my rear end today. I’m sorry for the errors 😂

Over the last few weeks we’ve really been pushing hard to complete the migration to the new framework which powers PoolMath behind the scenes. Making this switch helps us ensure the App can be updated and such in the future. This switch has been a massive undertaking for Jon and until this is 100% complete we’re not tackling new projects. The good news however is that we’ve got version 507 submitted to Apple right now which fixes a handful of errors and we’re hopeful this takes a large step towards us putting out a stable product.

Once this is complete Jon and I have agreed our next step forward is to finish a few projects that’s already been started. Right now we’ve got two new features each about 60% complete and we really wanna get them finished. It’s our hope we can maybe sneak some of these in before Jon gets busy shortly. 🤞

From there Jon and I have been tinkering with a few ideas that may accomplish your suggestion. We won’t know full details until we focus on this but I’ll surely make a note of this suggestion and see what we can do. 👍
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In the short term, you can add whichever notes you can dream up, then refrence them once you spot the trend that you need XYZ every 2 months. :)