Pool Supports sank on one side - Clean fill question

Jul 23, 2018
St. Louis MO
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
Hello everyone!

I have a 24' round above ground pool that was installed before I moved in (it sounds like possibly 20 years ago). It was built in a hill with retaining walls on the high and low sides. When we moved in we saw the wall on the low side was leaning out. Over the past 3 years it has continued to fall outward, causing the dirt and river rock underneath the back 4-6 supports to wash out, and the pool has sunk up to about 6" at the most washed out section.

We had a company come out and rebuild the wall about 2' out from the previous wall, with extra drainage to prevent this in the future.

The plan is to make it like new. I have decided to replace the liner as I have had issues with leaks from sand washing away and revealing rocks, and other holes (storm blew an open umbrella into it one day >.< ). I will fill in dirt and sand that is washed away on the floor.

My question is, what is the best fill to put under the supports? Just dirt? Limestone gravel? They were already on pavers that can be reused. I hope to get everything ordered and ready so that I can replace fix in a weekend without worrying about rain washing the sand away again. Any suggestions on best practice are appreciated.
Thanks! It is this part that worries me: Do NOT add dirt or sand to build up any low spots to match the high spots. The weight of the pool and water will compress it making all of your work for nothing.

I am aware that settling will happen. The plan was to take the liner out, and put possibly crushed limestone (or another suggested gravel) and tamp it down as much as possible to raise the supports on the pool, but put it ABOVE the previous level to allow for extra settling.
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