Pool Still Green After Opening

Date is important, and storage method too. If they have the 10% sitting out in the sun and/or it is old, it may not be stronger than the 6%.
So earlier in the week I bought several bottles of the regular bleach at Walmart that has 6% Sodium Hypochlorite for under $2. Then today I went and looked in the pool section and they had Pool Essentials Chlorinating Liquid for almost $4 a bottle but it had 10% Sodium Hypochlorite. Is one better than the other? Would you recommend I stick with the cheaper stuff even knowing the strength is less?

My old timer pool guy sells a case of 12.5% So/Hypo for $14.95, so I use that, I keep it in my garage, I bought 4 cases at the start of opening and just opened my 3rd case today.

I know everyone uses bleach and clearly there is no chemical problem with it, but maaaan, think of all the recycled plastic "we" generate considering folks need 2:1. Now, if my only choice was $25.00 a case Pool Chlorine, yeah no way, so I will just do my part down here in little Indiana for the rest of you where you don't get good/fair prices on So/Hypo.

Check that price per oz sticker and make the best choice you can, about all we can do.
So earlier in the week I bought several bottles of the regular bleach at Walmart that has 6% Sodium Hypochlorite for under $2. Then today I went and looked in the pool section and they had Pool Essentials Chlorinating Liquid for almost $4 a bottle but it had 10% Sodium Hypochlorite. Is one better than the other? Would you recommend I stick with the cheaper stuff even knowing the strength is less?

I'm familiar with those 6% bottles, picked some up today in fact. At least in my locale, that 6% Cleaning Bleach was $1.77. That comes to $0.23 per ounce of available chlorine. I think our 10% bleach here at Walmart is $3.64 and it might be 121 oz. That works up to $0.30 per ounce of chlorine. Tad cheaper on the 6%, downside of course you'll need more jugs. Have you seen the PoolMath app? There's a section in that app that lets you calculate bleach price. It's all around a handy app to have, your pocket PoolCalc if you will.
Got My Test Kit! Please Help! LOL

Ok ladies and gents! Kit finally came and here are my results. Can you please be so kind as to look it over and tell me if I am correct in what I THINK I need to add. If I'm wrong, please let me know what to do/add. I tried using the calculator and hope that I used it correctly.

FC - 0 (ADD - I25 oz of 6% bleach or 77oz of 10% bleach) (didn't or couldn't do the next part of the test for CC since it was clear)
PH - 7.6 (ADD - Nada)
TA - 90, or 9 drops (ADD - 35 oz baking soda)
CH - 230, or 23 drops (ADD - 67 oz calcium chloride)
CYA - 32 (?) was just below the 30 mark, I'll include a pic (ADD - Nada)

Sooooo, am I correct in what needs to be added (what I wrote in parenthesis) for a 15,000 gallon pool?
Is it safe to add them one after the other?
Also, it's supposed to rain for the next several days, does that matter?
Should I leave the pump running 24/7 for a few more days after adding the stuff?
Also, if I have to add the calcium chloride, where and what kind do I get?

Here is the pic of where the water came up to before I could no longer see the black dot. I did it several times too and it came out the same each time.

EDITED TO ADD: Our water is crystal clear right now!

Well, you have a vinyl pool so skip the calcium - add none (Your heater may want a higher number, but lets not mess up the water with calcium right now)
TA of 90 is fine, no baking soda
Yup, get some bleach in there.

If the pool is still green, you are going got need to SLAM Process. To start a SLAM Process we want the pH down at 7.2, so you will need muratic acid

Call the CYA 30 and this is perfect for a SLAM Process
Water is NOT green and has been clear for days now. So, are you saying to ONLY add bleach for now? And should I leave the pump running 24/7 for a few days or normal operation at this point?
Water is NOT green and has been clear for days now. So, are you saying to ONLY add bleach for now?
Yes, until we prove no SLAM Process is needed.

I'd bring the FC up to 10 (test after dark for the starting FC number and you can do a CC test then) and conduct an Overnight Chlorine Loss Test tonight.

If you pass Overnight Chlorine Loss Test, .5 or below on CC and clear water then it's time to adjust to your goals.

I guess my questions would be, Why did you want to raise your CH and TA. Where did you get your target numbers?

TFP uses these numbers as your target:
Vinyl Pool with Bleach
FC 3-7 (See [FC/CYA]chart[/FC/CYA])
pH 7.2-7.8
TA 50-90+
CH 0-350 (Don't add)
CYA 30-50

So, of your numbers the only one I would adjust might be CH to the minimum the heater manufacturer recommends. I though that was usually around 200 - 250, so you are or are almost there.
I got the targets from the calculator on this site. I just left the "target" number as is. The only number I changed or did anything with was to add my actual number. This is why I ask to make sure I'm doing it right. To make sure I'm doing it right.

Ok, going out to add the chlorine now and will follow the additional directions. Will 1 gallon (10%) suffice to get me there do you think? Thanks!

Yes, until we prove no SLAM Process is needed.

I'd bring the FC up to 10 (test after dark for the starting FC number and you can do a CC test then) and conduct an Overnight Chlorine Loss Test tonight.

If you pass Overnight Chlorine Loss Test, .5 or below on CC and clear water then it's time to adjust to your goals.

I guess my questions would be, Why did you want to raise your CH and TA. Where did you get your target numbers?

TFP uses these numbers as your target:
Vinyl Pool with Bleach
FC 3-7 (See [FC/CYA]chart[/FC/CYA])
pH 7.2-7.8
TA 50-90+
CH 0-350 (Don't add)
CYA 30-50

So, of your numbers the only one I would adjust might be CH to the minimum the heater manufacturer recommends. I though that was usually around 200 - 250, so you are or are almost there.
HOLY COW!! She's a TESTER!!!!

You can use the Pool Math to play around with figuring out if you need to add 5ppm then you would add x. That is how I figured out 1/2 gallon for me is 5ppm.

I am so happy for you, those numbers LOOK GREAT!

Add that chlorine, leave your filter running for the next day or two and lets test the FC in about an hour!

Good Stuff SummerTimeGirl!! Good Stuff!
I got the targets from the calculator on this site. I just left the "target" number as is. The only number I changed or did anything with was to add my actual number. This is why I ask to make sure I'm doing it right. To make sure I'm doing it right.

Ok, going out to add the chlorine now and will follow the additional directions. Will 1 gallon (10%) suffice to get me there do you think? Thanks!
LOL I am so excited!! I anxiously awaited UPS ALL day!!! Yup, put a gallon of 10% in already about 20 min ago and will go test in about another 40 min and then again tomorrow am before it gets too light out. You and everyone else have been a great help to me!!!!! Thanks so much!!

HOLY COW!! She's a TESTER!!!!

You can use the Pool Math to play around with figuring out if you need to add 5ppm then you would add x. That is how I figured out 1/2 gallon for me is 5ppm.

I am so happy for you, those numbers LOOK GREAT!

Add that chlorine, leave your filter running for the next day or two and lets test the FC in about an hour!

Good Stuff SummerTimeGirl!! Good Stuff!

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I am so glad it came today, I was putting out the fast shipping vibe for you all weekend! LOLOL

Ok I will anxiously await your 2nd test results! :party::party:

LOL I am so excited!! I anxiously awaited UPS ALL day!!! Yup, put a gallon of 10% in already about 20 min ago and will go test in about another 40 min and then again tomorrow am before it gets too light out. You and everyone else have been a great help to me!!!!! Thanks so much!!
I got the targets from the calculator on this site. I just left the "target" number as is. The only number I changed or did anything with was to add my actual number. This is why I ask to make sure I'm doing it right. To make sure I'm doing it right.
You are right, it's better to ask.

It's always better with the calculator to put your own targets in rather than a default number.

In your case, TA is at teh upper end of what we would like to see for a vinyl/bleach pool and unless your heater manufacturer wants a higher number, your 230 for CH doesn't need to be played with.

We try to stress not chasing "perfect" numbers. As long as you are in the range all is usually good.
Well your math is right.

That CC number is high which means we need to assume that there is something not perfect.

CC should be =<.05

Waiting for others to digest that and reply. I suspect they will recommend raise FC to 12 which is the SLAM level for FC based on your CYA of 30.

Then you will want to set up for an OCLT.

Ideally even with clear water, with CC that high, there is something (likely algae) that needs to be addressed.

Lets see what the pro's advise.

Ok, so I think I did this right.

FC - took 17 drops or 3.4 (#drops x 0.2)
CC - took 9 drops or 1.8 (#drops x 0.2)

Is that correct?

- - - Updated - - -

That's fair and wise.

Now that we can test, we also can jump the gun and we don't need to do that. Ever.

Sounds right, but if your CC is 1.8 that is a fail. Let's see where everything is in the AM
Ok guys, so at hubbies insistence I went back outside to retest. He swore up and down that I did not allow the powder to totally dissolve and wondered if that mattered. I didn't think it would but went back out anyway to appease him. LOL But this time (after making sure it was dissolved) the numbers were...........

FC - 15 drops, or 3
CC - 4 drops of 0.8

So take it for what it's worth I guess the true test will be in the am. Thanks guys!!!
haha us dang husbands, always getting in the way! lolol

I don't recall, did you order the speed stir as well or you doing this by hand?

Either way, those numbers certainly are closer to what I personally would have expected from everything we have discussed and the pictures you have shown.

Yes, lets see what it says in the morning.

This is so exciting!!

Ok guys, so at hubbies insistence I went back outside to retest. He swore up and down that I did not allow the powder to totally dissolve and wondered if that mattered. I didn't think it would but went back out anyway to appease him. LOL But this time (after making sure it was dissolved) the numbers were...........

FC - 15 drops, or 3
CC - 4 drops of 0.8

So take it for what it's worth I guess the true test will be in the am. Thanks guys!!!
LOL Right?

No, I did not get one of those speed stir things so for now I've just been trying to swirl it the best I can. Eventually I will spring for one of those.

And yeah, it's exciting as long as the algae is gone. LOL Not trying to battle that junk again.

haha us dang husbands, always getting in the way! lolol

I don't recall, did you order the speed stir as well or you doing this by hand?

Either way, those numbers certainly are closer to what I personally would have expected from everything we have discussed and the pictures you have shown.

Yes, lets see what it says in the morning.

This is so exciting!!
What is great that he is interested in helping get it right!! That's really awesome.

Ok STG, see you in the am! We will compare some notes!

LOL Right?

No, I did not get one of those speed stir things so for now I've just been trying to swirl it the best I can. Eventually I will spring for one of those.

And yeah, it's exciting as long as the algae is gone. LOL Not trying to battle that junk again.

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