Pool School repeat!


Bronze Supporter
Jul 9, 2017
West Palm Beach, FL
I'm happy to say after falling off the BBB method back in 2009, I have once again found that I can't trust the pool store. Long story short my son has been taking care of the pool 5 years. Well today, he comes home with close to $150 of chemicals and asked for a pump because he had to drain the pool and refill. Red flags popped up, they pulled the TDS over 5000ppm and needs immediate drain and refill. The interesting part they wanted the chemicals added before the drain, scratching my head on that one, and to return with a new sample once pool is refilled. Living in Florida with the summer rains and the constant need to add make up water........I laughed at the suggestion.

I threw in 2.5g jug of 10% into the pool, turned on the pump, bypassed the timer to run continuously and then I came to TFP, signed up as a supporter. Getting ready to order the TF100 kit.

TC 0.0
FC 0.0
pH 8.0
TA 110
CH 190
CYA 10
TDS 5000

Don't get pool stored! I did:(
Oh Sully! I'm assigning you to detention and Pool School remedial learnin'! LOL

Good thing your son asked you for that pump or he'd have poured $150 down the drain! :brickwall:

Gold Star for ordering the TF-100 and Support..... !

Welcome back, Sully.....now go take a seat at the front of Pool School class. :geek:

Maddie :flower:
Just received the TF100 kit this afternoon. Here are the current levels:

FC 20
CC 1
TC 21
CH 275
TA 110
CYA 40
PH 7.8

Pump has run continuously since Sunday afternoon. Cartridge filter cleaned every evening. I added 7.5 gals of chlorine, 8#s of Calcium, and about 4# of stabilizer (left over bag from earlier in the season. Pool is starting to look better but still cloudy.
I have pictures from split pea green to cloudy.
Tests look pretty good. The pH is not accurate due to your high FC, so do not act on that number and do not test it again until FC is under 10.

Until you pass the Overnight Chlorine Loss Test keep your FC at shock level based on your CYA = see [FC/CYA][/FC/CYA]

No need to test anything but FC until you pass the OCLT. At that time do the CC test and once under FC 10, a full set of tests.

Take care.
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