Pool Remodel in west Texas


Silver Supporter
Apr 3, 2018
Midland, TX
I bought my home almost 3 years ago and I am a first time pool owner. I noticed many of my tiles were falling off and called for an estimate for re-tiling. The PB recommended I redo the plaster too as the previous home owner painted the pool. In our area everything is so busy, this PB is able to get started pretty quick and I can't get anyone else to respond, or if they do they are over a month out. Based on the previous owners estimation of my pool being 18,000 gallons, the estimate was $13,000 for redoing the tile with 6" and removing existing plastering and plastering with Diamondbrite quartz plaster (separate hot tub is included). I just don't see much info in these forums for our location and leery of a company that can get started right away lol! This does come with a full 2 year warranty. I appreciate any input.
Hi Kristal and welcome to our TFP forum. I don't personally have experience with a remodel, so I can't quote you on any decent price ranges. But I'm sure others wil respond. Feel free to reply back to this thread when you have more questions or just to give it a :bump: to keep it visible. Nice to have you with us.

Welcome to TFP... A great place to find the answers to all your "What does my magic ball say now?" questions... :shark:

The cost for any pool service, remodel, or new build is very much the typical "Location, Location, Location" type of thing... Even the exact same job, in the same city, will cost more on one side of the tracks than the other... This is why it is important to get more than one bid..

I personally would never go through a Pool Builder, for a remodel that only includes coping, tile, or plaster. Most pool builders just sub these jobs out anyway, so you are just paying his mark up.. I've had a couple of pool re-done in the DFW area and we paid about $6K for new coping, tile, and pebble plaster on one pool and about $4K for new tile and plaster on another pool. Those pools were a little smaller than yours but not by that much. Your $13K bid sounds kind of high to me. But, there are plenty of pool people in my area.

I would look for a company that specializes in plaster and re-doing pools and see if you can come up with a better bid. Google shows several in Midland...

Thanks for posting,

Jim R.
Thank you, gents! This area is just horrid with people charging whatever they want because there is work everywhere. I guess I'm probably being a little impatient by trying to hurry this thing but summer is fast approaching lol! That cost doesn't even include new coping! I guess the only reason I felt comfortable choosing a PB is I wanted someone who knew what they were doing and who was a local business, i didn't want some fly by night person that I'll never be able to reach again. Now I'm worried that I'm getting hosed (LOL)which is why I finally registered here to see what the general consensus was. I really appreciate the input.

No matter who you go with the process is the same... always request references that will allow you to come and inspect their work... Talk with the homeowner and get their candid input on the contractor.


Jim R.
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