Pool Opening Chemistry


Active member
Aug 28, 2014
Haverhill, Mass
Moved from here.

Can I piggy-back on this question... On opening (part 1) of my pool yesterday I also had a 0 CYA reading (fine in fall). I also had a 30 reading on TA so I added baking soda and brushed. Today someone is coming to actually start up the pump etc. My plan is to add acid to bring down the pH (blazing red so over 8.2) and then THEY will add chlorine (and algaecide because that's what they do). But should I try to do something about the CYA before they add chlorine. How high should I get it (in anticipation of a SLAM)? The problem is that the pump is not running yet. Next year, hopefully, we can open completely ourselves. But I still wonder how high you should get the CYA to in order to know how high to get the chlorine to when they are both close to 0 and you want to start a SLAM. Thanks so much.
First - your pool. Why let them add an algaecide that can stain or otherwise compromise your chemistry?

You should wait for the pump to be operational to add any chemicals. Also, it is chemically really difficult to have low TA and high pH, so be wary of those test results.

Once the pool pump is running, start by adding 30 ppm CYA and let that dissolve and then test to see how much more is needed to raise it to your final goal CYA.
You need a operational pump (or some method to circulate and mix up the water) before getting test results. I would hate to imagine you adding something you already have enough of, but the water wasn't really circulated well when testing.

You can ask them to *not* add algaecide, especially if it is the cheaper type with copper in it.

You haven't mentioned this but.... how does your water look?? Do you *need* to SLAM?

Maddie :flower:
Thank you so much for such quick responses. So quick that I did not have time to read them before the pool people came. They did add algaecide, but I will not let that happen again!! I am going to give the pool another hour or two and then test more. My water temperature is 51. Will that significantly affect the results?
My water looks very DIRTY... not green, but brown. I have a "good" pool cover. Is it more likely that fine dirt comes in UNDER the sides (in the 3 feet or so between the hooks (whatever they are called), or through the top?
Anyways, I will update in a bit. Thank you again!!!
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