Pool heater and mice


Bronze Supporter
Oct 17, 2016
Dallas, TX
So I found quite a few threads on this, so I know I'm not alone. I think I've caught them early - used the heater just two nights ago and all worked fine - looking around the equipment yesterday I happend to see all kinds of mouse droppings around the heater and I recall one day last week seeing something scurry behind the equipment. I thought it was a gecko - but now I think I was wrong.

So I'm hoping I've caught them early and no damage(or maybe I fried them two nights ago) - I'm just curious what else or other things people have done to prevent them from taking up residence in the heater? I've read moth balls, peppermint oil, traps, poison (I've got two dogs that have access to the equipment area so those last two are questionable unless I can get a good fence/gate put up to keep them out.) Someone also mentioned some of the manufactures might make a wire kit to line it with or use my own fine mesh wire.

Any other suggestions to keep the critters out - it's only about 16 months old and this was a problem I never expected.
Can you take the cover off to make sure they are not inside still? I would open and look in every place I could to make sure. They can/will chew the wires. I like the idea of wire mesh to keep them out.

Good luck!

You can put things like the mothballs inside the unit. People do it all the time. Also, you can get bobcat urine crystals and use them as well inside the unit.
Thanks for the replies - I had not found the wire mesh kits. While I could do that myself, if it takes more than one trip to Home Depot the time and money is worth the kit, I've already ordered. I'll be taking the heater apart in just a bit to see if the critters are still with me and if there is any real damage already. I've been banging around on it a few times to see they'll scurry out. I've found no further proof they are still around, but I know they can hide out quite well.

This may not be the perfect product for this application, but I came across a natural product that seems to be getting a lot of attention - Fresh Cab - a quick google will take you to reviews and Youtube videos.
Looks like my wiring is safe, so definitely time to get it closed up better and take precautions. However there have been just a few meals, parties and sleepovers inside there already!

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