Pool completed and startup done, now what?


Apr 7, 2015
Ok the pool company has sent out a tech to startup, initial chemicals and brush the plaster. the question is; how do/should I begin the transition into TFP. Especially considering I have pool school, chemical school etc coming from my builder over the coming weeks....do I ignore or supplement their advice? Will TFP void warranties, etc...this is like the day they let me bring my kids home. They just hand them to you and say "don't let them die"
You should ask about the warranty and don't do anything to jeopardize especially while they are maintaining the chemicals. With the exception of the chlorine/CYA relationship that most of the industry doesn't recognize I would bet TFP will fall right in line with what they tell you. Once they turn the pool over to you 100% you have to decide how to proceed.

I had a boss once that used to say "only a fool would submit a failing report" I think the same could be said of a warranty claim should one ever become necessary, especially if you know what you have been doing is correct and not the cause of the problem the maid the claim necessary.
Get an itemized list of everything they put in the water. I made that mistake this year during opening and they had put some stabilizer in. I tested CYA right after they left and it read 0, but they had added enough to make it 40. So then I added enough to go from 0 to 30 and then was surprised when it read 70 2 days later...
They will probably give you basic instructions - how often to backwash, when to add and how many pucks, etc etc. For the most part you can ignore all of it, just start testing and doing TFP methods as soon as they "hand you the keys".
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