Pool cleaners - Polaris Epic 8642IQ vs 9650IQ Sport vs Maytronics Active 30i


Sep 7, 2013
Katy, TX
I have an old Dolphin (10yrs old or so) that is just getting old, worn, and not working that well any more. Based on that experience, I was leaning hard towards another Maytronics. But all of the local dealers are strongly recommending Polaris or even Jacuzzi over Maytronics, saying they are more reliable and easier/quicker to repair if needed. I can get any of these 3 for around the same price (+/-$100).

My pool isn’t large - ~16kgal salt water, freeform with a sunshelf and a couple of benches with Luna Quartz liner. I don’t have trees that drop a bunch of big leaves, so mainly get those in heavier winds - mostly get dirt, pollen, and smaller stuff from neighbors blooming/flowering bushes and trees. I’m on the West side of Houston, TX.

Anyone have any thoughts/experience/advice that you can give? Many thanks in advance!
If you really got 10 years out of a Maytronics Dolphin, I would definitely get another one. 10 years is almost unheard of around here. I'm on season 3 of my Active30, and would be ecstatic to get to year 10 with it!! What is your secret to get such longevity out of the Dolphin?
Cleaners made ten years ago were way more reliable than the ones nowadays. Simply search the forum with the keywords “Dolphin , robot, died” and you can pull up numerous threads of pool owners with dead robots that only lasted 2 or 3 years.

I no longer recommend robot cleaners but if you must get one then I would stay away from Dolphin/Maytronics. They are putting out lots of junk robots these days. Not sure Polaris is any better but if you have a local shop that’s willing and able to repair them, then that’s better than Dolphin. Outside of the standard warranty period, it makes no sense to repair a Dolphin when the motor assembly is implicated (which is the common failure mode) as they cost nearly 40-50% of the price of a new robot to replace.

Ask your service shop if they’ll provide a price list of what the Polaris bots cost to fix after the warranty is expired. That might help you decide.

There is just no reason to spend more to get the "i" on the end... All the bells and whistles in world will not make is clean any better. :mrgreen:

My last Dolphin lasted over 7 years, so 10 is not unmanageable, but those cleaners are very mechanically different from today's Dolphins.

My old one cost about $1300 or $1400 dollars. The new ones I have now cost about $700. When I bought them, I expected to get 5 to 7 years out of them, but based on the comments I have been seeing on this site, I now think it will be 3 to 5 years. Only time will tell.

No matter what, I do like robot cleaners, so when one of them goes bad, I will have another one on my porch in a couple of days.

I suggest that you contact Margaret and see what she has to offer. This place has the best prices, shipping, and advice...

Margaret Mills
Marina Pool, Spa & Patio
7777 West Jewell Avenue
Lakewood, Colorado 80232
[email protected]

You have to call so it is considered a local sale.


Jim R.
My Maytronics Dolphin Plus (AKA "Robbie") is 7 years old this spring and still cleaning nicely. Like any device with moving parts, maintenance is key. If you throw your robot in the pool and pull it out without checking it for wear and tear every time you use it, you may end up with an early demise of an expensive item. I like that the Maytronics robots have over 90% of their parts "user replaceable". So repairs don't require sending it back to Maytronics. I've replaced the battery pack and filters once, the treads, brushes and floats twice. When the motor finally gives out, I'll most likely buy another Dolphin Plus.
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