Pool Cleaner Advice

Aug 14, 2018
Birmingham, AL
I have an old gunnite pool, approx 30,000 gallons and is kidney shaped. It currently has an OLD Pentair Kreepy Krauly Legend pressure side cleaner that needs some TLC. I have been replacing parts on it through the past year and it has now begun to sometimes swim or float from end to end and will also get stuck where the hose attaches to the side of the pool. Instead of continuing to throw $$ at an old cleaner I am considering an robot. We live in Alabama and have lots of trees around the pool with large leaves. I don't know much about the robots, but in reading the many threads here, it appears that they will clean the sides of the pool, which sounds GREAT! I would love to stop/reduce amount of time spent brushing!
For those that have switched from a pressure side cleaner to a robot, do you see any advantages?....and how do robots do with leaves v.s. a pressure side cleaner? Any feedback is greatly appreciated!!
Robot here too, although we never had any other type of cleaner so can't compare.
Our low end intex pool system would have required some up grading to work properly. Hoping to get a better pool in a couple years and robot will work independently in any pool, so we splurged.

It was awesome this spring when we opened a 60 degree pool...didnt have to get in the cold water!
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