Pool Chemistry vs water appearance

last questions (for now ?)
To avoid this issue going forward and especially during the hot summer days how do others maintain “target”?
My routine maintenance is to add chemicals at night to bring FC to upper limit of “target”. By the next evening, my FC levels are above the minimum (anywhere from 1-2 ppm higher).
Do I need to do anything different? Should I instead raise my FC slightly above targets so It always stays in target rather than dropping near the minimum?
Do I need to do anything different?
If you are confidant the your FC numbers have been where they should, about the only thing I can suggest is to increase the other parts of your pool water maintenance.

1. Brush more often - even when you don't see anything, brushing the pool walls and floors is essential. maybe as much as twice weekly.

2. Along with 1 above I would vacuum twice weekly during these hot summer months....right after you brush is a good time.

3. Keep an eye on your filter psi. Watch for a 25% increase and then backwash
If you are confidant the your FC numbers have been where they should, about the only thing I can suggest is to increase the other parts of your pool water maintenance.

1. Brush more often - even when you don't see anything, brushing the pool walls and floors is essential. maybe as much as twice weekly.

2. Along with 1 above I would vacuum twice weekly during these hot summer months....right after you brush is a good time.

3. Keep an eye on your filter psi. Watch for a 25% increase and then backwash
Ok - will try that! May even brush my known “issue” areas every day for now.
Thank you!
So yesterday evening, I thought I saw my annoying brown streak (very faint) again so I asked my husband if he saw the same thing. He couldn’t see it. So, I just brushed the area along w the rest of the pool, added my chlorine and shrugged it off. I also ran my vacuum for about 16 hrs yesterday.
This morning, the darn brown streak was just a little more visible and larger (in length) so I asked him to look again. This morning he saw the brown streak! So I'm not crazy if anyone had that thought in mind. lol because I’ve even questioned it myself! ?
I’d take another picture but it is so faint you can’t see it in the photo. The water is clear!

So, since my last SLAM (just last week), I’ve brushed this known area everyday, sometimes twice.
My FC levels have not dropped below 4. Nightly, ive added enough chlorine to bring it to 7 or 8.
This morning my FC is 7. CCs 0.
Last night FC was 7.5.
The rest of my results -
Ph 7.8
CH 225
TA 80
CYA 40 (I added some stabilizer after SLAM last week)

Do I need to SLAM again? ?

What am I missing? ??‍♀️??‍♀️

Someone earlier mentioned polyquat? should I try that?
Throwing this out there........perhaps you have a small pipe break in one of your return lines that is moving soil into your pool.
When the pump is off water seeps into the soil near the leak then when the pump runs it pull the soil solution into the return line via the venturi effect.
Just a wild guesss.
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