Plumbing Question for Heater (Jandy)


Gold Supporter
Feb 1, 2019
TFP Family-

I had issues with Fault Hi Limit on my Jandy Heater. Im seeing this saftey configuration in the attached heater if I toggle the switch there is a sound of rocks in a pipe and fault hi limit. I believe this is routing some flow back to pool/spa without going to heater based on picture is this right? Thoughts on this?

Thank You,
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Your heater bypass valve is partially open. To fully close it the handle should be vertical pointed up.

However, heaters have a maximum flow rate. Too high a water flow can wear out the heater coils prematurely.

If your heater has been working with the partial bypass I would not close it. You are then masking the real problem of why your water flow has decreased. Your signature does not list your filter. What is your filter pressure? What speed are you running your pump?

Give us a report on your water chemistry.
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I just turned down my pump to 2000. I have a Jandy filter too, when the bypass is closed it goes right to fault hi limit so there must be too much water flow, I have heard of too little first time hearing too much.

The pressure in spa mode is at 25 but pool mode around 12 Thanks guys!
What tyoe of Jandy filter? cartridge? Sand? DE?

When was your filter last cleaned?

What model Jandy heater do you have?
How long does the heater run before u get high limit? This is usually a temp sensor indicating the exchanger is overheating. My raypack whines bad if my vs pump isn't at 1900 or higher. At 2000rpms you shouldn't need a bypass at all. Your built in bypass may be going bad if you're hearing rocks and you may have a bad sensor.
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