Pet Pictures

Hi all,

I'm new to the forum (and pools) but can't resist a pets thread! This represents most of my "zoo":


I also have a 90 gallon saltwater tank, and a Bengal cat. <3s pets.
lol thanks Waste - I can definitely see this forum being an invaluable resource!!!

Ahhh the magic of Photoshop ;-) I'll admit it- I took all those pics individually, it was hard enough just getting them to keep the scarves on long enough to take the shots. Tee hee.
heres are new puppy. about 7 weeks old, white furred golden, still trying to think of a name, my oldest and i like Blazer or Charger. not sure what to go with. DW likes escalade, or sierra. i kinda like them but im not sure.


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waste said:

looks like you've got a great dog there (at least he's cute :wink:)

Best wishes to you, your family and the newest member (whatever his name may be)!!!!

THANKS, we were down to two names, stormy and shelby, and decided on shelby.

stormy because last night we were with my oldest who never reads the paper and he said its raining, i got nothing to do. i said read the paper, jokeing of course and he did (to my surprise) and he said hey dad look at this, golden retriver puppys, all their shots etc, told DW and she said i think we should go look. so because it was storming we found him.

shelby because its the 17th most popular name and its also my sons birthday on the 17th of march. also around easter, which is also st patricks day. o yea and we all like Shelby Mustangs. so we called him Shelby. i also think it goes better with Sebastian.

we pick him up thursday as today we picked him out and they said earliest is wensday and we said thursday was better, im sure these are going to be the longest days ever :shock:

sad part is, i know in (hopefully this long) 12-16 years i will be goingthrough this again. i hate that dogs dont live as long as we do :(
NWMNMom said:
Katkami - Welcome to TFP! Yay - finally another crazy bird person on the site!!! Yay!!! Cute Greewing (they are all cute!) We have a flock at our house too - A B&G, Senegal, CAG and SI Eckie. You can see my guys at

Yay! Always good (and rare) to find another bird owner! Our "fids" are so much fun. We're going through some mating season issues right now with our Greenwinged o.0 Spring is in the air.

I see you have a perch out by the pool for yours - we're trying to think of a good solution so they can be out with us, but we're over protective parents and want to make sure they're enclosed, plus they aren't too fond of their flight suits. Hard to find a good travel type cage for macaws, we have the big acryllic one but that seems like it will get hot in there for them, plus it's too confining. I found an outdoor aviary which we're sort of considering. It's funny because one reason we hesitated getting the pool in the first place was because we were afraid of it taking time away from the birds, but then my husband pointed out - it'll probably keep us from wanting to go on vacations, so ultimately it's better for them. :D
Poolside cages? Well, we find that the Midwest cages have a pretty good size for a Macaw, as well as those long ferret or cat type cages - they are tall - they aren't Alcatraz strong but then the birds are always right in eyesight when out there with us and I think we are goofy and foolish enough looking that they are entertained enough to forego the "breakout" agenda for a while. (Ray likes to let himself out AND let the others out after that! We have lots of chains and padlocks on his cage) We put a netting "tent" up over the poolside cages during mosquito season so we don't have to worry about insects getting at them and then keep the cages under the shade from the umbrella so they don't overheat. They really do LOVE to be outdoors with us if they can (except the Eckie who is just too shy for crowds)

Ray HATES his flight suit, but I make him wear it sometimes anyways when we are spending any time outside "on hand" rather than in travel cages. Kota won't stand for his either and the Eckie does not like to go outside anyway - the Sennie would end up underfoot if not in a travel cage. We have a PetCoupe acrylic travel carrier for the CAG that has excellent ventilation - Its a "smokey" type of acrylic so it lets in light but not as bright as clear so he can be outside by the pool without freaking out from bright sunlight.
Oooo thanks - those are some good tips! We have a fold-down midwest cage for emergencies, but it's a dog style and thus long but not tall. I like the idea of the ferret style. My only concern with those is that I don't know what the bars are made out of (doubt it's lead but ya never know).

They make so much great stuff for the smaller birds (like your PetCoupe), but I can never seem to find stuff for large macaws. Coming up with a large, light, portable yet indestructible cage is too much to ask I guess, haha. Plus there's a lot more smaller bird owners to cater to then people like us!

Sounds like you have a good escape artist! Tiki (my GW) only gets out if you take one of her bowls out and forget to put a replacement back in immediately. My B&G (Tivo) has never escaped, although, her cage was originally going to be Tiki's and Tiki broke out of jail on her first day in there, so we just let her keep her old cage. Luckily Tivo never learned that trick.

I hadn't really thought about mosquitos, probably need to worry about ticks as well. But the fresh air & sunlight is good for them :D
Hi guys! :wave: I just wanted to tell the 'Tail of Stanley the snake'


Last spring I was surprised to find a ~ 20" garden snake in my garden one day when I came home from work. I thought it was 'cool' and let it be. However, the next day 'he' was there again when I came home and I wanted to check on the 'annuals' I had recently planted - so I want to the garden to check on the plants. I had expected him to slither away when I came near, but he just held his ground and let me pluck, trim and adjust the mulch all around him :?: Emboldened by his nonchalant behavior, I placed my hand ~ 1" in front of his face - he just stuck his tongue out a number of times (to smell me) (or maybe he was hoping for some of the beer in my other hand :lol ) This continued for a couple of days - he was cool with me and I offered no threat to him. One evening while we were interacting such, I showed him to one of my neighbors - but a couple of the kids saw and heard what I was saying. Seeing their interest I touched Stanley on the head to get him to slither away (so the kids wouldn't get him) - much to my surprise, the snake didn't withdraw and tolerated my 'petting' of his head :shock: :?: . I finally had to pick him up to get him to go to his 'night home' and be safe from the little b*stards. This continued (Stanley and I 'communing' each evening) for ~ a week, until one day I came home and he wasn't there :cry: I figured that I had just missed him that day, I got home a little later than usual - but when I walked my dog I found Stanley broken and mutilated on the side of my unit ---- torn apart by sticks and one of them still through him! :evil: Needless to say, I was sad and angry. I never found out which of the little monsters did this, not that there was much I could do...

I'm sorry that this isn't a "happy pet story", but I wanted to share with y'all the joy that can come of having a truly wild creature befriend you (and the heartbreak that unknowing/ unthinking/ uncaring people can cause :x ) I also wanted to, in a way, immortalize Stanley
I had two pugs but they started fighting ferociously (they were both female). They each had trips to the vet due to limping around after their little skirmishes. I eventually had to give one away to a co worker. It's worked out really well for everyone - both dogs now get to be the "queen" of their respective castles. My kids were heartbroken so I told them we'd get a cat. The pitcure below is of Honda. I don't have a fascination with Honda vehicles but the mark on his head looked like the Honda logo.

This is our newest baby (5 yrs old) - he is a 15hh reg Gaited Morgan gelding. Duke was purchased because my DH has back issues and can't stand too much time in the saddle with my big bouncy Thoroughbred. Duke is a bit fresh yet, but he is smart and a really quick learner - already has a gait thats smooth as glass -


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