Pentair HP 2.0 challenger pump overheating


New member
May 2, 2024
I got debris in my lines going to the sand filter several weeks ago. Debris kept getting into impeller so I have taken it apart and cleaned it out multiple times. Pump kept overheating so I bought a new impeller. Pump kept overheating so we flushed out lines between pump and sand filter and just restarted pump. After 15 minutes it’s super hot. Pool now has algae in it and I’m at my wits end. Can some of you that have been doing this a while please help me out?!?
Welcome to the forum.
Sounds like you need a new motor or pump. A large VS pump would be best for electrical savings.

Are you inclined to DIY an install?

Add 5 ppm FC worth of liquid chlorine each day to the pool water. Use a brush to mix the water well after adding.
Welcome to the forum.
Sounds like you need a new motor or pump. A large VS pump would be best for electrical savings.

Are you inclined to DIY an install?

Add 5 ppm FC worth of liquid chlorine each day to the pool water. Use a brush to mix the water well after adding.
Thx for the advice. I’m wondering if pump is overheating due to clogged lines or sand filter?? Could that be a possibility?? We flushed out lines with water hose and got some debris out. I’m just trying to find all reasons why pump might be overheating. It worked perfectly fine until I accidentally got debris in it and now each time I take it apart there’s more debris in it. I’m not sure how it’s still getting in there?!?
If you still have a clogged impeller that is an issue. You should not get debris to your impeller if you have a proper skimmer basket and pump basket.
Can you show pictures of everything?

Is the impeller too big?

Can you check the voltage and amperage at the pump?

Is the pump basket seated correctly and in good condition?

How old is the pump?

Can you turn the shaft from the back?