Pentair 520595 Union Replacement for Salt Cell


Silver Supporter
Mar 22, 2015
Las Vegas NV
The parts came with no instructions, in looking at it I'm thinking I need to have a plumber come out and cut the old coupling and connector out and install the new one? Coupling developed a crack. Thanks for any guidance here.

If PVC work is out of your realm of DIY, then yes, a plumber would need to do a little cutting to replace that coupler. Looking at how close that is to an elbow, he might have to go back a little farther to rebuild that. In the meantime, I would pick up a package of JB Weld 5 minute epoxy from Walmart or an autoparts store. You can repair that crack and buy yourself some time until you can get a plumber out to do the work. Get a small piece of sandpaper and scuff up the crack before you apply the epoxy. Also, make sure you remove water pressure from your system, so water isn't trying to actively seep out of the crack while you are applying the fix.
I'll post a wider picture tomorrow.

My solar heat kicked on today and sucker was spraying water everywhere, I think I'm past what JB Weld can help with, although I'll give it a shot. Called my plumber today and his voicemail is full, I have a feeling he might be pretty busy. Is this something that any skilled plumber could do? I'm not a DIY guy unfortunately.
I assume you have that specific replacement coupling as it is proprietary? Anyone familiar with PVC should be able to do that it isn't hard. The only rub is how far to the left you'd have cut out to be able to fit the replacement parts. I would not hesitate to tackle that job it is a 1/2 hour job I'd say.
Good as new, plumber knocked this out in 10 minutes. He said he sees "a lot" of these crack. Said the replacement part I bought is much better. I need to consider building something around my pool equipment as the Vegas sun beats down pretty hot this time of year.

Thanks for the help!


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