Opening problems


New member
May 26, 2024
Lewiston, Maine
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
First year opening the pool on my own and we'll, it isn't going great.
I tried using the HTH green to blue system to open and it has left this tan film on the top of the pool and it is Super cloudy. No matter how much I have skimmed the top, it won't go away. I actually even used pantihose to catch the film, which I thought worked until the pool shut off. We just replaced the filter fins and have already cleaned the filter out once since. Day 3 currently of this issue.

Testing today despite this issue and my Ph and alk are low. Water seems blue but cloudy under the tan film on top.

Pictures are starting point and current
Welcome to TFP!!!

How are you testing? Can you post a full set of results?

We'll get you clear, you need a test kit if you don't have one. Link-->Test Kits Compared

To clear the pool follow the SLAM process. You need a kit to perform a SLAM. Link-->SLAM Process

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