Opening help with video


Jun 28, 2016

My pool cover blew off in early fall last year so I said I will get it clean in the spring. Was not worried since being on this site and seeing all the horrific pools that are brought back to life very quickly with the help of this biggie right??? Well I'm on day 7 of my SLAM process with what seems like no end in sight. I have been taking leaves out like crazy, finally went into the pool with a leaf bag and got what I though was most of it but they just keep coming. The video shows the green substance coming out of my returns after being filtered, is that normal? Just at a loss as I cannot see the bottom so I have no idea what's going on down there. I have a automatic sweeper going 4 hours a day (when I get home from work.. not there to backwash during the day). I know it would probably be best to use waste out while sweeping but it takes me a couple hours to sweep the pool manually and the water would be below the skimmer box. What is my best approach? Also to note, I got a little impatient after the 5th day and added a gallon of algaecide which did absolutely nothing....just been adding Menards 12.5% liquid pool shock other than that.
Thanks in advance, Shane

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Opps, here is a link to vid
Your pool probably didn’t turn green overnight and it will take patience to get it back to sparkling.

Im assuming you have the proper test kit and have kept your FC at or above your slam level based on the amount of cya in your pool.

The more organics you can get out with a net or leaf rake or cleaner the better.

Just continue doing this and it will get better.

You could start taking a picture in the same spot each day to monitor progress. It may be very small but patience and proper slam levels is key.

With lots of solids in the pool, like the leaves the chlorine you are adding are not only trying to kill algae, but it is trying to break down the leaves as well. As you see, this slows down the process greatly.

Sucking up gunk is best done with the multiport vale set to waste as in filter you end up gunking up the filter. At this point you may need to take the time to deep clean the filter. Deep Cleaning a Sand Filter

What exact algecide did you use as some of them will also create a high chlorine demand and it may actually set you back even further.
I have the test kit...CYA is a little high but within tolerance (50)

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With lots of solids in the pool, like the leaves the chlorine you are adding are not only trying to kill algae, but it is trying to break down the leaves as well. As you see, this slows down the process greatly.

Sucking up gunk is best done with the multiport vale set to waste as in filter you end up gunking up the filter. At this point you may need to take the time to deep clean the filter. Deep Cleaning a Sand Filter

What exact algecide did you use as some of them will also create a high chlorine demand and it may actually set you back even further.

I used Menards stuff......I guess I should mention this is my 11th year with the pool and have never opened my sand filter.....should I just change the sand?
should I just change the sand?
Generally not necessary. Unless you have used chemicals that have turned the sand into concrete the stuff doesn't wear out. Many time removing the sand to change it creates other issues like damaged laterals. A gentle cleaning with a hose according to the directions works well in most cases.
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