No Pristine Blue!

May 30, 2018
Ruffs Dale, PA
Hi, this is my first post. I have done a lot of reading on this site and am excited to try the BBB method. We have had our pool since 2009 and didn't really seem to have any problems until the last few years. We started with the Frog system, but found it to be so expensive. So we eventually went to using chlorine tabs in the skimmer (plus shock weekly). Then we started having periodic problems with algae and cloudiness. I think we just didn't test it regularly enough. The last 2 seasons we have been really struggling with cloudiness. Last year we drained it 1/2 way, twice, and replaced our filter insert (the whole thing). (And our original pump died last year so we replaced it with the single-speed.) That seemed to help some, but, the cloudiness kept returning. This season when we opened it we had it clear for about 2 days, then the cloudiness came back again. We went to the pool store yesterday and they wanted us to use 65 bags of shock!!! $500 worth of shock to free up the chlorine demand. And this was AFTER we had already used 24 bags in the last 10ish days. Then, the owner of the store said.....we should try Pristine Blue. He said he has had a lot of customers rave about it and 'never have to deal with cloudiness again'. We bought $350 worth of products....but then I spent several hours reading this morning and I don't think I want to use it. I did put in the PristineCheck and PristineExtra (which is actually chlorine, lol) but have not put in the Blue yet. And I don't think I am going to. I think I am going to return it. I ordered the TF-100 test kit and the magnetic stirrer. I am anxious to start testing myself. In the meantime, here are the approx. results from my AquaCheck strips. The water did start to clear up some, I can now see the bottom of the deep end. But we still aren't holding chlorine. Any suggestions while I wait for my test kit? I'm thinking I need to add lots of bleach and keep retesting.
FC 0
CC 0
PH 7
Alk 120
Hardness 1000
CYA 30

Any help you can provide is appreciated! :drown:
We bought $350 worth of products....but then I spent several hours reading this morning and I don't think I want to use it.
Return it!
I ordered the TF-100 test kit and the magnetic stirrer. I am anxious to start testing myself.
Best thing you could've done. You'll see.

First of all, welcome to the forum. :wave: I have to say on a personal note, I love the username. My wife goes by that at our house. If you knew my last name you'd know why. :wink:

Your TF-100 will arrive soon. In the meantime, simply return that PB to the store. For now, with that size pool, simply add one gallon of regular bleach to the water each evening. Make sure it has NO additives like splashless, scented, or polymers. Just plain. We'll verify everything else when your kit arrives.

Heads-up, while We're usually concerned about CYA for new members, this is a rare case in PA when I'm concerned about your CH. Probably because of tons of Cal-Hypo bags of shock right? So we'll confirm all that when the kit arrives. For now, rest easy knowing you're in good hands. Please take a few moments to review the ABCs of Pool Water Chemistry and save the Vital Links below in my signature. You'll use them often. :)
Hi! Kit arrived last night, super fast! First test this morning, results below. Note - over the last 2 days I have added 6 gal of 10% pool chlorine (from walmart). Water is very clear (but still not holding chlorine well).

Taylor results showed 0 CL and 7.2 PH.
DPD-FC 0.5
CC 0.5
TC 1
TA 160
CYA 30
CH 325

Thoughts? Thanks!
Okay, so we know definitely that low chlorine is an issue. As long as you're confident about that CYA result of 30 (which is a good starting CYA), then we know the chlorine is getting some protection from the sun. Since the pool was cloudy previously, which indicates possible algae, it would stand to reason that you might still have organics in the water consuming the FC.

So here's what I would do at this point:
- Increase the FC to "12". That's actually the SLAM level for your pool based on the current CYA. Try to maintain that FC all day and up until bedtime if possible. If you step out and it drops, that's okay, just bump it back up when you get back.
- Tonight, just before bed when it's dark, do an FC test as test #1 of an Overnight Chlorine Loss Test. Basically you'll take one test before bed and another tomorrow morning before the sun hits the water. When you wake up you take test #2.

If you do NOT lose more than 1 ppm of FC overnight, your water should be clear of algae. That would mean you probably need to add more CYA to protect the FC from the summer sun. However, if you do lose more than 1 ppm of FC, then you know you need to continue a SLAM Process.

So if you pass - great. You really haven't lost anything, and I suspect your water could use the extra chlorine based on what's happened recently. If you fail the OCLT, then you're already a step ahead of the game and in SLAM mode. The pH is perfect already, so you just continue to maintain the elevated FC level until you pass all 3 SLAM criteria.

Make sense? If you have any question let me know.
Ok, I got FC up to 12+ yesterday, surprisingly it didn’t fall super fast like it was. It did fall some though. It was 10 when I went to bed last night, this morning it is 6. (I didn’t test before sunlight tho, although it is overcast this morn). CC is 0.5. Do you think I should continue the SLAM another day? I am encouraged that it is holding some chlorine finally! (And water is clearer than ever!)
Ok, I got FC up to 12+ yesterday, surprisingly it didn’t fall super fast like it was. It did fall some though. It was 10 when I went to bed last night, this morning it is 6. (I didn’t test before sunlight tho, although it is overcast this morn). CC is 0.5. Do you think I should continue the SLAM another day? I am encouraged that it is holding some chlorine finally! (And water is clearer than ever!)

Yes. Need to continue.
Okie dokie! Taking it back to 12 for the day! So, if I keep it at 12 today, then let’s say I pass the overnight tonight (which means it’s at 11 or 12 tomorrow morning), what can I expect with respect to being able to swim in it again? How long will it take to drop down to normal from there? Thanks!

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Numbers are looking pretty good. For now I stopped the SLAM. All numbers have been holding pretty good, I think. One thing I am a bit curious about....what is an average amount of chlorine that one has to add to a pool weekly (or daily?). I know that’s a loaded questions and depends on usage, sunlight, temp, etc. I guess what I am wondering is...if your pool is say, 80-85, exposed to lots of sun, and gets used nearly daily, is it normal to have to add some chlorine almost every day or every 2 days?
You add chlorine EVERY DAY. Most pools consume 2-4 ppm of FC per day. So based on your CYA, use the [FC/CYA][/FC/CYA] and use the target level of FC for the value you want when you test each day. It is best to test and dose at close to the same time each day, especially to start. To start add 3 ppm FC to your target level FC and dose to that value each day.

Take care.