Newbie questions - pH rising, timer question, pump run time

Jun 26, 2017
Tulsa, OK
Pool was maintained with pucks all along by pool service. Started the BBB method few months back.

1. pH has been creeping up and have been adding half a gallon of acid every week. Once it goes to 7.8, but less than 8.2 we add the acid and bring it down to 7.2. Is it Ok to bring it down to 7.2 (CSI gets to -0.36) or should we target 7.4?
TA oscillates at 100-110. There is no aeration feature at the moment to bring down TA other than the SPA that is rarely used. Is this typical with pH?

2. We currently have a broken T104R201. Can we replace it with T104R? I am seeing T104R much more common online. What is the difference between them? We do have a heater connected, but we have not used the heater so far.

3. I was initially told to run the pump 24/7. Then I read more about turnovers and that we need atleast one turnover. I have no clue how long it takes for 1 turnover. Is there an easy way to find that out?

After reading the pump run time article I am running the pump for 5-6 hours each day. As long as the chemicals are mixed in (this should take 1 -2 hours) rest of the pump run time is only for aesthetics. Is this right? I am worried that skimping on the run time will bother the swimmers health and nervous to run it for such a short period.

Thanks to all for the great help that is provided here.
Hello! :wave: I'll try to help you out with your questions:
1 - You might benefit from lowering the TA a bit more. Try about 80. It should help to slow the rise of pH. Pool School - Lower Total Alkalinity
2 - Looks like the R models have all been replaced with the M versions. But the same thing really. The only difference I'm seeing between the regular and the 201 version is the 201 version has the Heater protection circuit.
3 - We don't worry about turnover anymore, at least not hear at TFP. As you mentioned at the end, mixing chemicals, skimming the surface, and vacuuming is the big reasons for pump run time. So find a good balance for those and you should be fine.

Hope that helps. Enjoy your weekend. :swim:
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