Newbie - First Test Results

after another partial water drain here are the results (i poured in 2 gallons of chlorine during the re-fill yesterday)

FC 4.0
ph 7.8
TA 120
CH 175
CYA 60

Is this a CYA level I can live with? Any other thoughts? Follow pool math from this point?
60 CYA in the TExas sun is okay. Now we move on... where is the CC level and how does the water look? These answers determine whether or not you just maintain things at 60 CYA or if you need to SLAM.
Oops cc was .5 and water looks crystal clear
With CYA of 60, target FC is 7-9. I'd lean towards the high end until you get used to the pool's appetite. You'll know in a few days just how high to target such that FC never dips below minimum before you next add bleach. [FC/CYA][/FC/CYA]

The pH is right at the cusp. You can add acid to lower it to 7.2 now or wait til tomorrow. It will slightly reduce TA as well. No special effort is needed to lower the TA. It will come down in time. You're at no danger of scaling, so just enjoy.
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