New winter cover?


Well-known member
Jul 20, 2018
Halifax, NS (Canada)
I've got a winter cover that fits into the second coping around the pool edge (essentially a large tarp). I took it out this weekend to make sure it's clean, and discovered that a mouse had burrowed a hole into the center of it and created a nest (complete with babies). In any case, there's a ton of holes through it, which in a pinch may be fixable with duct tape or something, but long term I will need to replace it. Anyone know a good source (ideally in Canada, but I'd explore US as well) for custom fitted winter covers? (other than - which I'm already aware of)

basically looks like this:
I like how it fits into the coping around the edge. I have not see that before. I don't close my pool so don't know covers. I have heard they are considered disposable as most don't last more than a couple/few years :( Then there are the that had to hurt to see the damage.
It is my mission to eradicate the planet of those covers.

They are a fox product & nice in theory. They put tremendous stress on the coping receivers.

mechanical stress? I don't know about others you've seen, but based on the one winter I had it in, it was actually quite loose in the coping, so much so that by the time it came time to open there were quite a few spots where it had simply come out (which in a sense defeats the purpose I guess). the tarp also sits on top of the water (obviously) and the tarp walls are slack, so I'm not sure where the "tremendous stress" that you refer to is coming from; but I'm interested to hear more. At this point I have not purchased a replacement. What are my alternatives? a regular tarp that is held down around the edges of the pool with weights? A security cover is not something I'm interested in.
They simply bend the coping & crush liner receiver. Displacement or a slow leak will eventually catch them.
Hopefully you don’t have their cheap plastic

The coping, at least on our pool, is fairly thick (at least 1/8") aluminum. Hopefully that will help prevent the issues you describe. Nonetheless it's not something I had thought of before, so I'll be sure to keep an eye on it in the future. Any time the cover appears to be taught it will be putting unnecessary stress on the copings, so I'll address it if/when I see it
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