New TF-100 Kit Arrived

There is a small blue spoon that is provided with the TF100, TFPro or K2006C.
The Taylor K1515 FAS-DPD kit also contains the spoon.

If your TF100 didn't come with one, contact TFTestkits and they will send you one.
@Sarah and Nate
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There is a small blue spoon that is provided with the TF100, TFPro or K2006C.
The Taylor K1515 FAS-DPD kit also contains the spoon.

If your TF100 didn't come with one, contact TFTestkits and they will send you one.
@Sarah and Nate
The blue scoop that came in mine holds about a small pea size. Measurement doesn't have to be precise. The main thing is make sure the measured water turns pink.
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