New Salt Hot Spring Grandee

I bought some Ahhhsome today should be here in few days.

How much bleach/liquod chlorine should i add after/before hottub use? is it dependent on how many people? Usually its wife and I and kids sometimes but on weekends sometimes there could be more people.
How ever much it takes to remain ABOVE minimum for your cya at all times. More people = more fc lost to bather waste. More time = more fc lost to bather waste.
Test fc before entering the tub & be sure fc is @ high target for your cya or a little higher. Use the tub 30 minutes then test again to see where you are & replenish as necessary. After a few times doing this with different bather load situations you will have an idea of how high fc needs to be to account for those upcoming losses BEFORE you get in & your after test will just confirm your estimates. During parties just test frequently & dose high to ensure no cooties are sent home as party favors.
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How about checking Phosphate levels? Hot Tub place gave me phosphate test strips and phosphate remover and told me to test each week. I haven't seen anyone mention it here yet.
If you maintain proper levels of chlorine based on your CYA level nothing can grow, so phosphates become mostly irrelevant.

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Sorry for so many questions and thank you so much for your guidance.

What's the best way to clean my 5 filters. Just rinsing with water? Rinsing in Dish washer? or they gave me SpaGuard Filter Cleaner spray to spray on them then rinsing with water

For salt hot tub calcium hardness on the test strip good range is between 25 and 75 is that a good range for TF Pro test kit test? I think Pool Math target is higher.
I should just purge the water right?
You could keep slamming but who knows how long it’ll take to drop the cc’s. I would go ahead & purge. (Persistent cc’s is an indicator that it’s time to purge/refill).
Purging now during relatively decent weather will be more pleasant than waiting. It will also mean your next purge will be sometime in the spring (nice weather ). I generally do it every 6 months (fall & spring).
Also, when doing the purge you can just throw the filters in the tub & rinse them after. That filter cleaner is probably fine- use it up before buying something else.
I don’t use filter cleaner anymore, it didn’t seem to get them any cleaner & was a pain to rinse out, I just throw them in during purging & spray them down after then just spray them with water monthly between purges.
I just purged the water with ahhhsome.

What should be CH target? It's at 25 on fresh fill.
That’s what I keep mine at & it’s fine. If you experience foaming you can increase by incriments of 25/50ppm until it solves the problem. Generally no need to go higher than 150 in most spas. I believe your manual calls 75ppm or less to prevent premature scaling/fouling in your cell if you have the freshwater system that has the disposable cells or the ACE system. Please update your signature with which one you have.
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