New pool owner - opinions on Hayward SharkVac XL


Bronze Supporter
Dec 28, 2016
Douglassville, PA
I am a new inground pool owner. I hate the pressure side Polaris cleaner that came with the pool. I previously had an above-ground pool at our prior house and had a Rover. I liked the robot and it cleaned pretty well.

I was at our local pool store looking at different models today.

They had the following:

Hayward SharkVac (ruled out because it doesn't do wallls)
Hayward SharkVac XL (was recommended by owner who said they rarely get one in for repair
Polaris 9350 sport, 9450 sport, 9550 sport and 9650iq sport
Dophin Active 20, Active 30 and Active 30i

I really am at a loss with all of the choices. I've been trying to research the SharkVac XL and having not found many recent posts on this site regarding the most recent iteration of the cleaner. The price quote on the XL (on sale) is $955 plus tax.

Has anyone purchased and used one recently? How does it compare to the Polaris's and Dolphins?

I really would appreciate any suggestions you guys might be able to offer as I don't want to make a mistake on this purchase.

I have a 650 sq foot free form with AquaBright finish. Not many trees around the pool but I have noticed since the pool was first opened about a month and a half ago that if it gets windy after I mow, I do get grass clippings in the pool. Also still get dirt in the pool from the exposed ground near the pool which will be growing in soon.

Thank you in advance!
I have a SharkVac (not the XL) and am on year 3 with it. I'm very pleased with its performance. The ability to remove the debris basket from the top of the the unit is a big feature to me. Parts seem to be well made, i've not had to replace anything yet. It does go up walls, although it doesn't do the "waterline scrub dance" that the XL is supposed to do.

I bought a spare unit from eBay complete with the power supply for about $50 shipped.

I use the spring cleanup inserts during opening.

My only complaint would be the short run cycle (3 hours) with no adjustment. I just power cycle it to run it again.
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