New Pool - Need Advice


Jul 12, 2023
Central Florida
Hello all, this is my first post on here and my first pool (details should be in my signature if I did it right). I have been lurking for a few weeks and learning what I can. I bought a TF-Pro Salt test kit but am waiting on the SmartStir which is on backorder. According to calculators on TFP my ideal levels are:

FC: depends on CYA
PH: 7.6-7.8
TA: 60-80
CYA: 70-80

My pool builder (PB) filled my pool on June 3rd and did all the startup testing treatment balancing for about 2 weeks at which point we were able to start using the pool. The PB staff continued to do testing, cleaning chemicals, etc. until July 17th on that date a local pool service PS company that the PB works with took over and does four weeks of free service at which point I will have to decide if I am going to maintain on my own or have this other company continue to do it for me at $150/month.

While the PB was maintaining the pool I received test results on a note they would leave behind for me which I have entered into Pool Math as I followed along. Here is a partial history for background:

July 12 PB test reported:
FC: 0
PH: 7.4
TA: 50
CYA: 50
Salt: 2800
Water Temp: 85

They added :
- 25lbs of Salt
-128 oz of Bleach
- 8 oz of Liquid Stabilizer
and SWG running at 30% 9am to 5pm daily

July 21 Partial Testing (by me):
FC: 1 (R0600)
PH: 8.2 (R0014)
CYA: 50 (R0013)
Water Temp: 88

I added:
- 6oz of 20 Baum
- SWG up to 40%

July 23 Partial Testing (by me):
FC: 1 (R0600)
PH: 8.2 (R014) Suspect 7/21 test was well above 8.2 and still not down enough to register lower

I added:
- 6 oz of 20 Baum (rechecked after 2 hours and PH was 7.5

Today July 24 8am Partial Test (by me):
FC: 0 (R0600)
PH: 7.5
Turned on filter pump at 8am before testing
Added nothing as Pool Service visits Mondays

Today July 24 12:30pm PS Test: (spoke to them and asked as they do not provide the test results in emailed report just a summary of what they do)
FC: 5
PH: 7.8 (different than what I got 4 hours earlier)
TA: 120
CYA: 50
Salt: 3200
Water Temp: 85

They added:
32oz of "Acid" (not sure what strength didn't get to see the bottle)

I rechecked about 2 hours later:
FC: 0.5 (R0600)
PH 6.8 (may be much lower than 6.8 as when I added 6 oz of 20 Baum it came down from 8.2 to 7.5)

So here are my questions:
1. Am I using the right test to check FC level? Why might there be such a difference between what I read and what the PS told me?
2. What do I need to do to level things off as they seem to be quite a bit off? I am thinking:
  • TA needs to come down to about 70 and PH needs to go up to about 7.6, I think I can aerate using the spa bubbler which would do both of those? How long should I aerate for or how often do I recheck while aerating?
  • CYA needs to go up to 70 or 80 do I do this first or the TA and PH first?
3. Is there anything else I am missing or need to be doing at this point?

Welcome to TFP!

Good choice on the test kit. Is the pool builder/service still taking care of the pool?

For the FC test, you are not using the right test. For now, ignore the R-0600 OTO reagents for FC. Use the FAS/DPD drop test for FC and CC. That is the test with powder reagent R-0870 and drop reagent R-0871 (and R-0003 for CC)

Complete a full set of tests and list them is this format...


We can advise further with a good set of results.
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Pool Service will be back next Monday and the following Monday.

First time doing these tests... but updated full readings taken just now using my TF-Pro Salt:
FC 2.5
CC 0.5
pH 7.2
TA 50 (solution was to change "red" I interpreted a change to light pink at 4 drops, and a vivid pink at 5 drops, no change at 6 drops)
CH 400
CYA 50
Salt 3000
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The numbers look great. Keep an eye on FC/CYA Levels. You might want to bump FC up to target range with liquid chlorine for some insurance. 2.5 ppm is a close to min for your CYA level. Never allow FC to fall below minimum.

Is your SWG up and running? Test frequently to make sure its keeping with demand of 2-4 ppm per day.

I would NOT allow the service to handle chemicals. Take care of it yourself. We can help. Let the PS guys come by and clean out the skimmer and pretend to brush/vacuum.
According to your notes, your SWG is set to run 8 hours at 30%. That should add about 2.5 ppm of FC daily. That MAY be enough with the screened enclosure, but monitor FC daily.

TA 50 (solution was to change "red" I interpreted a change to light pink at 4 drops, and a vivid pink at 5 drops, no change at 6 drops)
You nailed it!
Thanks for the help.

Yes my SWG is up and running. I just bumped up the rate to 40% for now until the FC comes up a little bit more maybe around 4 or 5 since Pool Math shows my ideal level between 3-8 based on my CYA level. Do I measure FC daily using the FAS/DPD drop test for FC and CC.? If so, what is the R0600 OTO test for then and when do I use it?

Pool math is also showing that my CYA should be 70-80 and I am at 50 should I raise that now or wait until I have a good handle on the FC production?
Do I measure FC daily using the FAS/DPD drop test for FC and CC.? If so, what is the R0600 OTO test for then and when do I use it?
Use the FAS/DPD test for daily testing. OTO test is more of a go/no go test for chlorine. It doesn't provide the level of precision necessary to be useful, and only measures FC levels up to five ppm.
Pool math is also showing that my CYA should be 70-80 and I am at 50 should I raise that now or wait until I have a good handle on the FC production?
I'm not sure how much protection your screened enclosure provides. If you receive full sun, the higher CYA levels would be more beneficial. If you're only losing 2.5 ppm FC per day, I think your CYA level is okay. Keep an eye on it and you can adjust as needed.
Beautiful photos! It looks like you've got most of the stuff figured out. One thing to keep in mind is that the SWG is not real good at spiking FC levels; it does a better job of maintaining levels. If you have some liquid chlorine around I would bump the FC up to target range and monitor from there. Let us know if you need any assistance.
Hey Axe and belated Welcome !!!!

You're doing GREAT. And quite frankly, with Mike steering you, it's only going to get better/easier. :)

The only thing I'd add is to mess around with learning your system and how it responds to daily FC loss on the high side of target range. That way, when you goof and miss some, you're still freeeeeeeeeee and clear above minimum. That's where swamps happen. Does Swampville sound fun ? Ok, then rename 'minimum' in your head to Swampville. It will keep it in its proper context as you learn.
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Hey Axe and belated Welcome !!!!

You're doing GREAT. And quite frankly, with Mike steering you, it's only going to get better/easier. :)

The only thing I'd add is to mess around with learning your system and how it responds to daily FC loss on the high side of target range. That way, when you goof and miss some, you're still freeeeeeeeeee and clear above minimum. That's where swamps happen. Does Swampville sound fun ? Ok, then rename 'minimum' in your head to Swampville. It will keep it in its proper context as you learn.
Thanks Newdude, I am going to monitor the SWG for a couple days and if I can't get the FC up toward the high end of target I will add some liquid to bring it up.
Beautiful photos! It looks like you've got most of the stuff figured out. One thing to keep in mind is that the SWG is not real good at spiking FC levels; it does a better job of maintaining levels. If you have some liquid chlorine around I would bump the FC up to target range and monitor from there. Let us know if you need any assistance.
Update: I tested yesterday morning and had 1.5 FC so I ran the SWG at 80% for about 7.5 hours yesterday which according to Pool Math should have added about 6.3ppm of FC for a total of 7.8 (which would test at 7.5). I tested again this morning and the FC is at 5 which I think tells me the pool used around 2.5ppm of FC for sanitization yesterday.

Assuming I am correct, my plan is to run my SWG today so that it adds about 2.5ppm over the course of the 8 hours it will run. Pool Math tells me based on my equipment that is 8 hours at 30%. If all goes as expected I would have an FC of 5ppm when I test tomorrow morning.

Does all of this sound right or am I missing something?
Update: I tested yesterday morning and had 1.5 FC
You might want to bump FC up to target range with liquid chlorine for some insurance...Never allow FC to fall below minimum.
Watch your minimum FC level. You're inviting algae to have a party in your pool. Looks 2.5 ppm is your daily FC loss. Test frequently until you get to know your pool.

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Steer freeeeeee and clear above min in the meantime. Dose with liquid chlorine for a "now boost' as the SWG takes a day or even days to build up the level slowly.

Dial it in with lots of wiggle room.
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