NEW Gunite IG pool - West Texas

I don't know it for certain, but I think it could be a really bad idea to partial fill that way. I'm thinking a bowl ring could form and it won't be good for the plaster. See what PB says. I'll ask mine about it too. We have a member here by the name of onbalance. He will know for sure, and others may as well.
Word for us with plaster was don't stop once you start so rings don't occur. Although they were fine with waiting til the next day to start the filling. We started at night by hose then the water trucks arrived in the AM.
No worries on rings. I have the fill water issue taken care of.

My PB came by yesterday to see what work had/hadn't been done while he was on vacation for a week. He said this week will be trash removal and prepping for the decking to be poured.

I worked on the site for my storage shed, I found that I'm not designed for manual labor. I am sore....and I have A LOT of work to do.

A Friendly fellow from this forum let me borrow a mixer which will make that part of the job much much easier. Now I just have to get it to the point where I can start my concrete work.
Man! What a nice guy!! :mrgreen:

Good to hear some progress, mine should be interesting this week. :roll:

Yeah he seems alright I guess. Haha. Kidding. I really do appreciate it.

PB brought some guys today. They were here for a pretty solid day (for workers at my house).

They threw away lots of garbage and tree roots. Oh and started working on forms/moving dirt

On the other side of those forms I'm trying to decide if I want to concrete it...or let it be grass. Let me rephrase. I'm trying to decide if I can cough up the money to concrete it.

I promised vette chick pics of my kool deck sample.
Outside lighting:

Inside lighting:

It's called birch gray

I worked on my 8'x8' concrete slab project...I should be ready to pour by weekend. 1/2 the form is done. Other 1/2 should happen tomorrow. Then I'll pick up the concrete wed or thurs.

MY PB says my deck days are the 17th and 18th. (3 mo from start date...not that I'm counting...oh wait, yes I am)
Yesterday they worked on the forms some more and grading the deck area.

We made some alterations to their design of the forums. PB was a bit frustrated that we did this, but he understood our issue and resolved them.

This is the beginning to an alteration on the wall. Our PBs guys are going to do this wall work. We're opening the equipment area up a little bit to alleviate some of the tightness. If the area is still too tight I gave the PB the okay to go DE vs sand.

One of the parts we are having them redo is the furthest section in this photo. The area next to the house will be a planter, I want it to end the same way on each end (curving into the house).

Same story with the planter that will reside next to the wall. Symmetry is a big deal to me.

Pressure testing device. They have capped all the lines, but they haven't tested any yet.
Really pretty! It's going to look awesome.

Thank you. I'm trying to stay patient. So far I'm very pleased with my PB. He does what I tell him to do, and is willing to give me his opinion.

If our concrete day doesn't get moved up I imagine we are looking @ approx 1 mo left on the project.

They finished all the forms and grouted some of the tile. PB is nervous about getting too much finishing work done before the decking is done as apparently they get a little messy with the kool deck application.

Here's a cpl pics for good measure. SOrry for the high ISO, iphones get cranky in low light apparently.
Pretty Grout

We had them cut off the raised deck by 3'' as it had a 1/2 tile on one end...which looked like poo to us. So now the raised section is only full tiles. I think the PB is getting a grasp as to how anal we are about things like this. He placed the raised parts of the wall so they will line up perfectly with full tiles. :thumbsup: to him

I really like their water hose. HA, silly thing to comment on, but I'm easily entertained.
Oh they have made some progress on the cleanup. Looks so much better than it did Sunday!

You know...if you were feeling really ambitious, you could speed up the deck pour a whole bunch. Just head over to WL and pick up a few sacks and get going with that mixer. I'll be out of town the next few weeks, or I would volunteer. :lol:

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Oh they have made some progress on the cleanup. Looks so much better than it did Sunday!

You know...if you were feeling really ambitious, you could speed up the deck pour a whole bunch. Just head over to WL and pick up a few sacks and get going with that mixer. I'll be out of town the next few weeks, or I would volunteer. :lol:

HAHAHA. That's an idea. Darn the luck, I was hoping for your expertise assistance on installing my deck. Well to be fair, I was going to hold the Beer while you did the work. I gotta learn some how :p

Here's what PB did yesterday. I think he's taking today off, He claims we work him to death with all the details on our pool. We remind him that he's bankrupting us, and we will have to eat beans and cornbread for months. Which oddly sounds pretty good right now. Anyway off topic.

Here's beginning to his wall work...I'll have to comment about the use of the 1/2 block.

Here's the beginning of what he says is a "sand trap". I've heard the term before, but hadn't ever seen one.
I don't understand what the partial block is for, is the wall turning that way? As for the sand trap, it just seems ridiculous that in the midst of a drought, you cant have the backwash for your trees or something else useful. Sewer seems such a waste.
I don't understand what the partial block is for, is the wall turning that way? As for the sand trap, it just seems ridiculous that in the midst of a drought, you cant have the backwash for your trees or something else useful. Sewer seems such a waste.

I couldn't agree more. It amazes me how many silly little rules the City has.

Luckily once everything is done and it passes final inspection I can do whatever I want :p (well...once my fence guy gets the fence up.)
Great news today. Fence guy came out and spent an entire day here with his entire crew.
They have everything done except the hole. Well and they are going to do some repairs on the old sections of wall as well tomorrow.
Today's progress:

This is a 4" thick wall - separates my water meter and my pool equipment.

Thankfully I won't be able to see any if the houses on the other side of the busy road.
I got my TF100 today from Blakej the blogger. (What a deal!!i get to talk about my pool and someone gives me free stuff!!)

Anyway, fill water

Ph: at least 8.2
CH:450-it went purple at 15. And blue at 18 drops

TA:200. Started to flash pink at about 17 drops during start of swirl motion. And went clear after swirl of 18. Light light pink at 19. And proper pink at 20

I'll probably play more with the test kit. I'm amazed it's as simple as it is. Watching the how to videos without the kit in front of me was a little daunting. But once I had the kit, it makes more sense. Of course having my own personal water treatment Guru only a phone call away doesn't hurt :p Thanks Patrick.

Now to order a speedstir and the XL option, so I don't have to worry about running out of the FC test stuff.
I just realized, Today makes 12 weeks since ground breaking. I'm hoping it doesn't pass the 16 week mark. (note: I don't blame my PB, I blame the "oil boom")
All the decking materials have arrived. Stegmeier is the brand of choice for deck forms, drains, and the deck topping (it's their version of "kool deck" called "frontier desert deck"). PB delivered "dove grey" which we are worried will be too dark for our liking. He is going to call the supply house and make sure it's comparable to "Birch grey" from Mortex.

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