New build in Gilbert, AZ

super exciting! can you clarify for me what you got for the equipment? you got the 520591 then what for the screen logic add on? to me it looks like you have to add on the wireless connection kit 522104 AND then maybe something else? color me confused. [h=1][/h]
I have 3 boxes here of equipment plus 3 sheer descents and PB said that everything is here except heat pump. The eztouch box is empty because it is mounted and the other two are sealed. I am not an expert and not sure what else I would need except maybe to boost a wi-fi signal? If I am missing something, I can ask the PB...

Not much has happened this week. I have been repairing sprinkler lines off and on all week and should have them all patched up this weekend. PB called and told me that shotcrete is Monday afternoon :) Moving right along; shotcrete will be at 3 weeks from start of excavation...
Make sure you are there for the shell. This has paid off many times for other builds. They might have some ideas or concerns OR they might not be paying attention and start to do something wrong. There was on that had a small beach entry..........well they were making it into a wall and step :roll: The PO was there and able to stop them and have it fix right then and there!

Make sure you are there for the shell. This has paid off many times for other builds. They might have some ideas or concerns OR they might not be paying attention and start to do something wrong. There was on that had a small beach entry..........well they were making it into a wall and step :roll: The PO was there and able to stop them and have it fix right then and there!


great tip. they pour mine Thursday!
I cut-n-pasted this from your neighbors thread I responded to, but it applies to yours as well. :cheers:

If your easy touch is mounted to a east/west/or south facing wall, it’s going to take a beating from the sun. So consider building a vented enclosure for it.

Also, not sure the direction you’re going in with the equipment pad, but that too is going to take a hammering from the sun. Those blue handled valves (not a fan of those at all) will be the first to give you problems.
If that pad will be walled in with block, consider a simple pvc framed top wrapped in solar screen to protect your equipment and plumbing from UV damage. If nothing is planned, then a simple plastic or wood shed to go over/around it, will keep it all in good shape.
Use the search at the top of the page, and you’ll find some great threads discussing that topic.
Make sure you are there for the shell. This has paid off many times for other builds. They might have some ideas or concerns OR they might not be paying attention and start to do something wrong. There was on that had a small beach entry..........well they were making it into a wall and step :roll: The PO was there and able to stop them and have it fix right then and there!

Yes, yes .. Kim is spot on. Be there for the shotcrete/gunite. My PB was not present, and the sub had blown in four 18" wide steps instead of three 24" ones. I called the PB and they reformed them before it was too late. Actually, I've had the luxury to be home every day of our build. Pain in the back side for the PB, but in actuality I caught many things they would have to redo. Hmmm - now that I think of it .. I shoulda made a commission :)

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Bad day today. I was told to be here at noon for shotcrete and took off work. Shotcrete people pulled a no-call/no-show. When I voice my frustration, they say they are just backed up. I have a feeling they knew on Friday when they delayed the Saturday pour that they knew they wouldn’t be here today. All I needed was an honest schedule date or a phone call. Very frustrating...
I was fine them pushing it back. I was not fine that no one told me that they were pushing it back.

I think we may change our interior finish; trying to do some searching to go from the NPT Stonescapes mini pebble (Tahoe Blue) to the Finest Finish Radiant Fusion blend (Regal Blue). I see a few people on here have done it, but obviously not as many as the mini pebble.
I am SO glad they showed up! Did they have any ideas or tweaks?

I like both of those plasters! It would be hard to pick!

Guess what time it is!! Time for your own set of links! It is a lot of info but it will all start to sink in when you start using it!

Print these out:
Pool School - Basic Pool Care Schedule

Pool School - Recommended Levels

Bookmark these:
Pool School - Recommended Pool Chemicals

Pool Math

Pool School - ABCs of Pool Water Chemistry

Make sure to ask any and all questions you might have no matter how small! We have all been where you are at one point.

Ask your Pb what test kit he will be providing so we can fill in any holes.

We had a sample waiting at home of the Radiant Fusion Regal Blue (pic #1) and decided it was a little dark on the baja shelf, but we liked how smooth it is and the incorporated glass. I think we are going with a color called "Blue Frost" (pic #2) or "Silver lining" (pic #3). I am including a pic from earlier in the thread so people don't have to flip back to look at tile color and original Tahoe Blue selection (the tile in the picture looks gray, but the name is "blue" and it is a nice bluish gray color that the picture doesn't really show.

Finest-Finish-Radiant-Fusion-Regal-Blue.jpgFinest-Finish-Radiant-Fusion-Blue-Frost.jpgFinest-Finish-Radiant-Fusion-silver.jpgtile colors.jpg

I already bought the TF100 test kit with speed stir and bought the pool school book for my kindle. We still have a lot of work to do on the pool before filling, but it is indeed right around the corner :)

I checked my fill water and it will be a challenge; eventually I need to add a water softener to the house and plumb it into my water leveler. I also plan to add SWCG and a robot, but will start with the included suction cleaner and liquid chlorine. My PB was really against salt water generator and it really came down to if I wanted salt water and travertine, I would have had to choose a different builder. I will just add it later.

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