Need to raise CH 250ppm best dispersal method?


LifeTime Supporter
Aug 19, 2014
Pacific NW
Thanks to what I've learned here I have managed to get my pool chemistry
to near perfect levels. Just to get an idea my CYA was over 300 when I first moved into this
house last september..and now it's within the tfp suggested levels. thanks very much for the knowledge! :)

One last item though as the partial drains and refills have all but depleted my calcium levels.

right now CH is 50 and pool math says to add 39 lbs of calcium chloride to get it to 300ppm.

I'm going to buy 50 lbs of that from the nearby pool store (they have very fair pricing on chemicals)

1. Should I mix the calcium chloride in buckets with pool water and dump it in different areas or dump through the skimmer?

2. or should I disperse it using a big cup to just throw it in and sink down into the pool?

3. how long can i expect the CH readings to take effect once I've added? days, hours weeks?

I was planning on adding 25 lbs first then testing to see what happens.
thanks for the tips

I'd read somewhere that you shouldn't mix more than 3 lbs at a time per gallon bucket of
water due to the chemical reaction that takes place and heats up the water.

I did that and boy did that bucket get really warm every time. I think it also helped
dissolve the calcium chloride. Not a single granule of it was poured into the pool.
(there was just a little bit on the bottom of the bucket each time)
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