Need help-test kit on the way

Jul 8, 2017
We are trying to start a new thread bc we are desperate for some pool help here but can't seem to start a thread except select locations. Do you need to be a paying member or do you help anyone? If so where do I start a new thread?? Please help so I can get the help I really need! Thank you!
Re: Do you have to be a member to start a new thread?? don't! Just open up any of the forums that most closely matches your question(s) and click Post New Thread on the upper left. You had to do that to post this thread here! Welcome.
Re: Do you have to be a member to start a new thread??

Thanks for accepting me and I wish I would have seen this sooner! We have a 22x52 intex pool. I'm not sure if our signature is showing up so will give you all the info again just in case. It's a 22x 52 above ground intex pool with a SWG and a Krystal clear model 633T filter system. We live in Bosworth Mo. I know you said to get a good test kit and it's on the way bit for now we are desperate to figure this out. We opened our pool late this year and it IS a brand new pool. Our first mistake was calling SOS POOL for help. We started adding the salt in but we did it too slowly I think bc it started turning green so I added a small amount of algaecide. The pH was high too so they told us to add all these chemicals. Long story short we have a LOT of chemicals in our pool. Can you have too many? Our pool is cloudy and our readings are crazy high. We are using for now HTH test strips and our readings are FC 2/4 to 3/6 which is about right according to these strips anyway. pH is 8.4 TA is 240 TH is 200 yo 400 and CYA is 70 to 100. Like i said we have a TF 100 I believe is the name of it on the way but not here until next week. The pool is cloudy and we have put some ph down in it a couple of times. We put some stain metal and scale in it and then ph down last week and that's when it turned cloudy immediately We have got so many chemicals in it right now that when we clean the filter off (And we do on a regular basis, several times a day) it is milky white or milky tan/Orange. Are we better off draining and starting over or can we save this nightmare?? Please help! We are desperate here! This is not all the chemicals they told us to put in either. It's been shocked twice now and has had a alkalinity protector in it and the stabilizer was put in as well. I'm afraid it's too much and we need to start over. I hope not. Can you help? Any advice??
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Re: Do you have to be a member to start a new thread??

Use some muriatic acid or your ph down to lower your ph to mid 7 range and add a gallon of plain old bleach 8.25% daily until your test kit arrives. Pour both directly in front of a running return 15 minutes apart. Are you filling with well water? Just give us the basics in your sig line on pool and equipment.
Re: Do you have to be a member to start a new thread??

we have a Krystal Clear filter model 633T with SWG. I forgot to add that. Actually it didnt save it to my signature. We do not have a skimmer hooked up yet or a sand filter but we are trying to hard plumb a sand filter soon. We added some pH down last night but to no prevail. The pump ran all night. Our FC and TC levels look good right now but will keep an eye on it and add something as it needs it, i guess. Can we add bleach to a salt water chlorinator? if not can i keep adding salt to keep my chlorine up or do I shock it? Do I just wait it out with all the chemicals we have in the pool or do a partial drain and start over? We do not have well water BTW. We have city water but its a little hard. Thats why i put in the scale metal stain remover and the pH down and it instantly turned cloudy last monday.
Woodyp gave you the advice you need for now. Yes you can add bleach(chlorine) to a saltwater pool as it is really a chlorine pool. Adding salt doesn't actually increase chlorine. Once you have the correct amount of salt in, your SWG converts the salt to chlorine gas, then it turns back to salt once the chlorine oxidizes organics. Add all the salt you are supposed to at one time, or your salt level will not be high enough for your SWG to be able to work.

Welcome to the forum! Take a deep breath and relax. The first days of switching to TFP methodology is the toughest because you have to wait for the test kit. Once that is in and we get good numbers, we can advise on the rest.

Reread what woodyp posted and follow his advice.
Chueysmom, you have one of the best helping you on this in Woody! Do as he says and your pool will start clearing even now. THEN once you get the test kit it will get to looking like it should-clear like a jewel! :sun:



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We finally got test kit last night and this is our numbers.
FC 3.5
CC 0.5
CH 225
TA 190
We have not added CYA yet. Trying to get other numbers right first. Any ideas? Total gallons is 10,471
SWG if I didn't put that on my Sig. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!
Need to know your CYA and salt level as well. You can go ahead and bring the pH down using muratic acid. With a TA that high, you might as well buy a few gallons.
What does the water look like?

With your PH being so high I would work on getting that down first. Use Pool Math (at the top of the page) to see how much muratic acid to get your PH to 7.8. Add it with the pump running. Let it mix for 15 or so mins. then retest. It might still be high as we really don't know just how high it really is. Keep doing the testing, adding until you get to the reading of 7.8. Let us know when that happens.

Ok we are so lost. Let's start from the beginning here. Our pool was so outta wack we drained it this week. We started over and now we have these crazy readings again and I am about to shut it down for the season if we don't figure this out soon. We filled the pool Tuesday after draining to about 3 to 4 inches of water. We put in 6 bags of salt and left it to disolve. After that we put in the cyamaric acid bc when I posted before the readings were needed for the CYA so I started adding the conditioner. Yesterday we tested and got high TA do we put in 35 oz. of borax bc the pool school said to now our pH is sky high and so is our TA still. We have put in two gallons of bleach since we started this process to insure that the pool did not turn green while we were getting our numbers right but not at the same time. 24 hours apart. We have put in the last of our pH down last night and now our numbers are STILL crazy! I'm lost and before I have to drain this thing again I need some help here
I think. Our numbers are as follows minus the salt reading bc we do not have a salt tester.

FC 12
CC 0
TC 12
TA 210
CH 175
CYA 60
pH 8.4

We are just at a loss now. We don't know what we are doing obviously and really need some advice here before I just shoot a few holes in it and call it a day!

I am hoping our sig is showing up. Otherwise we have an Intex SWG 22 x 52 above ground with a 633 T filter swg is eco 7110 model
Bosworth Mo
No Borax, that makes the pH go UP, not down. You need muratic acid to lower the pH.

Go to lowes, Home Depot or most other big box stores and pick up a gallon of muratic acid. You wan the full strength acid, they call it 31% or 20 Baume. Skip the green, less fume, environmental friendly acid as it is just 1/2 strength for the same money.

WalMart says your pool is at around 10,000 gallons so right now you need to add 19oz of full strength acid. I estimated just a little low so that you wont go too low. You may need to add some more later in the day.

With kids splashing, the pump running and other forms of aeration (fancy word for splashing/activity in the pool) your pH will continue to rise. Because of your high TA it will probably happen quickly so you may be adding acid each day for a while. The acid reduces both the pH & TA but the aeration only raises the pH. So, in time with multiple acid additions your TA will fall into a reasonable range and the pH rise should slow. The relationship between pH & TA is confusing to many folks, so don't sweat it right now.
Going to Lowe's as we speak! Thank you but what about the cc and tc? Are we ok there if we bring this down? The pool is starting to turn a hint of green. Thanks for straightening the baumé out! That helps tremendously!

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