Need Help once again please

May 30, 2009
Walden, Ny
SO last week I opened my pool and it looked like a green muddy swamp! I dont know why i did this because i know better to balance ph first (senior moment maybe)BUT, I started to add shock and turned my chlorine to high and vacuumed and shocked and vacuumed constantly. I know you say to use bleach but i just cant keep up with bleach so i use chlorine tablets (bad i know). anyway i have made great improvment but the deep end is still green and water is cloudy. I dont know if i have to drain and fill or if i have chlorine lock or what. I finally bought a taylor test kit and my numbers read as follows: chlorine is way above 10, ph 6.8, ch 275, alk 110, cya 100, fc 17, cc 0. I hope I did those right. Thank you in advance for all help.IMG_4900 (1).jpg
Your CYA is 100. I suggest you do Step 8 in Pool School - CYA to see how high over 100 it is.

Pucks will require large amounts of draining and replacement of water on a regular basis.

Once you get your estimated CYA level we can provide guidance on how much water needs to be exchanged with fresh.

Take care.
The convenience of pucks has given you that high CYA which makes your pool almost unmanageable.

The best step is to drain about 60% of your pool (to get your CYA to 60 or so) and then SLAM the pool.

Pucks are certainly easy but, if not managed carefully, they come with a price that you now need to pay,
So you would be best to do a 60% drain/refill. However, you have a vinyl liner and must be very careful about how much water you drain.

You can exchange some water without draining.

If you place a low volume sub pump in the deep end and pull water from there while adding water in the shallow end you can do a fairly efficient exchange. That is assuming the water you are filling with is the same temperature or warmer than your pool water. If your fill water is much cooler than your pool water, then switch it. Add the water to the deep end (hose on bottom) and pull water from the top step.

The location of the pump and fill hose may change if you have salt water, high calcium, etc.
In my pool, with saltwater and high calcium when I drain, I put the pump in the deep end and hose in shallow end. The water in the pool weighs more per unit volume than the fill water from the hose.

Be sure to balance the water out and water in so the pool level stays the same.
Do not stop the process until you have exchanged the amount of water you want.
Be sure your pool pump is OFF for the entire exchange. Turn it off at the electrical breakers.

Once you have done what you need to do to get your CYA around 50 ppm, you need to consider discontinuing the use of the Nature2 device. It adds CYA by your use of Trichlor and it adds copper and zinc to your pool water. None of those things are good in unlimited amounts.
Thank you so much for everyones advice. I will advise my husband when he gets home and we will begin the process. I forgot to remove the nature 2 from my information. We no longer use that because we found out that exact information. As i said i know the tablets are not the best but i just can not find enough bleach to buy and physically i can not keep up with it. I tried when I first found this site and with work and kids and errands and i believe everyone else in my area does the same thing with bleach The shelves seem to be empty ALL the time I go. Thank you again for your help.
If you want to use pucks long term, you just need to test CYA more often and drain enough water each few weeks or so to keep the CYA under 50.
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