Need help for my Mom -- pool cover


Bronze Supporter
Aug 17, 2014
Prosper, TX
My Mom lives about 3.5 hours away and has a pool that's about 20 years old. In ground, grandkids still swim in it which is the only reason she has it. I don't live close enough to take care of it for her but I'm trying to find the solution to a problem -- acorns!

She has a tree that drops tons of acorns and small twigs into the pool. The tree was planted by a family member no longer with us, so she has never wanted to cut it down. But -- she's getting older and it's harder and harder for her to keep up with the pool and the constant dropping of acorns.

She lives in Texas, so has never closed the pool (rarely freezes) and has never had a cover.

I think she needs a cover to catch this tree debris during the time of year that the pool isn't being used. The pool is large....about 40 x 20 (not regtangular, but that would cover it). I don't have a cover either, and have never purchased one.

Suggestions? Obviously she wants to be budget conscious...just something to keep the crud out of the pool that could be somewhat easily removed when needed.

Thanks in advance....of course this is the first place I came for help.
Cut down the tree and plant another one away from the pool in the persons memory.
I don't think a cover of any type is going to help. As soon as you take it off (or open it if motorized) anything on it is going to dump into the pool. Either live with the acorns or move the tree.
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