Need Help Figuring how to efficiently run my Century V-Green 165 pump


Jul 10, 2017
Pine Mountain
I am looking for answers to how I can set up my V- Green 165 variable speed pump running schedule to ensure 2 turnovers, maintain FC @ 4 and ensure that I am providing enough GPM's to skim and filter. I would also like help on how to figure out how many GPM output for the different RPM settings on the pump. I am sure you will need more information, so ask away. -- Rob
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We don't subscribe to the pool turnover theory. More here, Pool School - Determine Pump Run Time. I run my VS pump at 1100 rpm for filtering, skimming and making chlorine with the SWG. I don't know how many gpm that is or how many turnovers it is. But, it has kept my pool crystal clear since 2012. My runtime varies depending on how much stuff my trees drop in the pool, solar standby, and SWG runtime needed to maintain chlorine.
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