Need guidance with pool opening. Low flow/pressure


Well-known member
Jun 21, 2019
Ontario, Canada
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
I'm helping a friend with his pool that he is having issues with. When the pump is priming there is never enough suction/flow. He has a skimmer, three return jets, and two floor drains. The skimmer and drains each have a valve. If he opens the valve for the floor drain he loses flow almost immediately. This is a Jandy VS pump that is self priming. The pump may be having issues. It's a year old but doesn't sound very strong. Any help would be appreciated. I'm curious why opening the floor drain valve loses all water flow as well. This is my first time encountering a pool with floor drains. Also, the skimmer had two holes with the back one blocked. It's always been like that so could be normal.


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I would take apart the praher union valve on the main drain. Inspect the o-rings, if there are cracks etc, replace. Clean and relubricate the o-ring with a silicone lubricant like magic lube II (NOT SEALANT). Re-assemble and try again. I'm assuming the skimmer works fine with main drain off. If not, let us know that.

He can run the pool without the main drains.
Check and lubricate the o-rings in the valve unions drains and skimmer.
Check and lubricate the pump lid o-ring.
Check and lubricate the pump drain plug o-rings.

How is the intput to the pump attached? If it is a union, check and lubricate the o-ring in that union.
I just wanted to update for anyone who is following. Two o-rings needed to be replaced. One in the bottom drain on the cartridge filter and the other from pump to filter connection. He still has an issue with the bottom pool drains but will look at that later. At least now the pump is running correctly.
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