My pool likes high pH


Bronze Supporter
Jun 12, 2017
Houston, TX
So for the past 4 months or so I have been TFP'ing it. Everything is good. Only thing that comes to mind is that my pool seems to want to settle on a relatively high pH or 7.8-8.0. TA is at 70. So, any concerns about staying at 8.0?


Most saltwater pools like their pH to be at the high end, so 7.8 sounds about right to me... When mine hits 8.0 I drop it back to 7.6 or so... it takes about 30 seconds to get back to 7.8 but tends to stay at 7.8 or 7.9 for a week or more, often longer depending the time of the year..


Jim R.
Ok, so it doesn't sound too far off. If I take it down to 7.6 or so, it'll slowly creep back up to 7.8-8 over about a week's time.
I am going away for about 10 days... not worried about FC or the like, but didn't want to pH to stay too high. I'll take it down to 7.2, try and kill two birds here, lower TA and see if she'll stay below 8 till I get back.
I saw on your pool build that you have sheer descents. They will also increase your Ph due to aeration. I’ve got water features as well and just manage my levels with Muriatic acid and the amount I'm running them.

I'm with Lilypad on this one... I only use my waterfall wall when I'm showing off or when I want to increase pH....

Like you. I have an EasyTouch... I just have it set to run the wall once a day for 15 minutes, just to keep the water in the plumbing fresh...

How often are you running your waterfalls???

Jim R.
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