My pool came with a house!


New member
May 9, 2024
We bought our second home in December of this year, and one of the perks was an older above-ground pool. Last week, we decided to rip the cover off and discovered Shrek's swamp! I've been a bit overwhelmed since. I scoured YouTube for information and started with Swim University tutorials. I hooked up my equipment, got sand from the pool store, filled the pool, vacuumed the scum to waste, filled it again, adjusted my alkalinity, added 4 gallons of shock, and I thought everything was going to be fine. A day later the water turned nice and blue, but has remained cloudier than ever. I was recommended a floc to make the matter sink to the bottom. This sort-of worked, but as soon as I turned my pump back on, the cloud came back. I didn't know what I was doing.

A few days ago I discovered the SLAM method on YouTube and found this forum. I've been reading like crazy and got myself a nice test kit. I was using strips before. My kit comes in Saturday, and I'm anxious to see what my true levels are. Water is expensive in my town, so I'm hoping not to have to drain any more than I need to if my CYA is too high. My test strips show a low level, so we'll see. I'm hoping to get on track soon enough.

Welcome to TFP. So happy you found us as there is a wealth of information on the forum.
Once you get your test kit, post the results in the proper forum - Testing & Balancing your Water
Please read Pool Care Basics