My CH is rising faster than it used to...


Silver Supporter
Jul 20, 2017
Ok, first here's the current pool numbers:


I did a full drain/refill about 18 mos ago, and when I compare these results to my test data from the prior drain/refill, the CH rise is running about a year ahead of schedule. I hate to do another drain/refill before around the 3-year point, but at this rate if I wait until then I'll probably have a CH in the low four figures. :confused:

The only explanation I can come up with is that my fill water CH appears to be higher now than in years past. It was 175 for the longest time, but I just tested it yesterday from two bibs and now shows 250. A cost-cutting move from my water company, perhaps?

Any other thoughts would be appreciated!
A pool can be managed properly with very high CH but you will need to keep an eye on CSI and keep it between -0.3 to -0.6 to prevent scaling on the plaster surface and the SWG.

650 is not very high and what I usually deal with. I don't refill anymore until it is well above 1000 ppm.
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Yeah, managed carefully (and it sure looks like you have) 650 is livable.

Any chance you have a whole house water softener? You could use that as your refill water and the problem will go away. Short of that, we could send you some Florida rainfall and that would do it, too. :):)
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