More Help needed with DE Filter - Pool Closing


LifeTime Supporter
Jul 29, 2009
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Pentair Intellichlor IC-40
I've been a bit AWOL since I first joined .. We moved in on 8/27 as first time pool owners to a 7 yr gunite pool.. I've been keeping the chemistry in line with just chlorine.. pH, etc has been fine. It's pretty cold in Massachusetts, so I started inquiring about pool closing costs. I called one place and told them I had a 17200 gal in ground pool and he quote $165 if we put on the cover ourselves and $200 if they put it on (and they only remove the filter cartridge, they don't clean it)... then I called the place who has been closing the pool for the last 7 years and he quoted $415??? He said it was because we had a waterfall and we had drains at the bottom of the pool.. true, i forgot to tell the first place about the waterfall, but really? double the price? I can't rationalize spending $415 to close the pool.. I can't do it.. my wallet can't handle it. So, I'm wondering.. if I want to get an accurate estimate for a pool closing, what else do I need to tell them aside from the waterfall and the drains at the bottom of the pool.. I didn't even know a pool could exist without a drain at the bottom... argh.. I'm sure I'll love the pool next season, but so far, it's been a headache.. help?!? I really really wanted to use the place who closed our pool previously because he knows where everything is.. but am I wrong to think that $415 is a little extreme?
Re: Pool Closing / Equipment questions

Look at your signature. Tell them every piece of equipment you have listed there and anything with water running through or over it that you don't have in there. Second, I'd ask them what their garrantee is and if that was in writing. Third, ask them for a list of what all they plan on doing. And Fourth, Read here and ask questions. Heck, you might even consider doing it yourself. :)
Re: Pool Closing / Equipment questions

$415 is certainly TOO much!

I'd follow Bama's advice and look into doing it yourself (with the help you'll get here)!

Of course, if you really want to hire someone to do it - I'm just a little south of you ... :roll: :lol:

Seriously, if you need some help on closing the pool yourself - you can't go wrong with the advice you'd receive here!
Re: Pool Closing / Equipment questions

Sorry to reopen an old topic - but we decided to hire someone to close it this time.. and he is charging us $325.. we aren't going with the original guy, but hopefully the new people will be able to close it without issue.. I have a question about preparing for the closing. I need to drop the pool to about 4-6 inches below the skimmer (per the closing company) and for some reason, I assumed I would just need to switch the filter to backwash and turn the filter on- so I went ahead and did that, but the filter ran for about 15 seconds and then stopped. No matter what I do, it won't turn back on... i turned off and on.. changed it to the Filter setting and turned it back on.. nothing...
oh please tell me I didn't break it?
ok, so after a few hours of sleep,i realized ithat the motor for the filter timer wasn't i switched the fuse on and off and runs.. now,I just need a little help with draining it... it's a vari flo filter... and my options are: backwash,recirculate, rinse, filter, waste, closed

I'm guessing Waste? but need some encouragement :)
Thanks again
What I would suggest is that you backwash till the filter is clean, rinse and then switch to waste until the level is where you want it. That way your filter will be clean and you won't have to deal with it later.
Bama Rambler said:
What I would suggest is that you backwash till the filter is clean, rinse and then switch to waste until the level is where you want it. That way your filter will be clean and you won't have to deal with it later.

Wouldn't this be a good time to take grids out to give them a good inspection and cleaning? ..... So everything will go smoothly upon opening?
So,being the idiot that I am..I went ahead and figured out I should set to Waste and basically,lowered the level because I thought..if I have less water,I can run the POlaris and it'll clean faster...All along,realizing I Have algae in the pool- but thinking that since the pool guy said they'd take care of chemicals, I should be OK until he got here and dealt with the algae... So, here I am with my pool drained to a few inches below the skimmer entrance with tons of algae and now I can't even run my polaris to get the debris,since there's no water to go through the filter... am I the queen of all idiots or what?....
so,given my situation, what would you do? Should I fill it back up to filter,shock, and vacuum? Or leave it at is and deal with it in the spring? Or something else? I know I should have been more patient, but I've been putting it off for so long,I just decided to do it..silly me! NOTE: I'm in Northern MA where the highs are around mid-50s to low-60s. not sure if that makes a difference.
Thanks again
Quick question, how'd you get the water lower than the skimmer - can't you just use the same method to provide the circulation you need?

I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for the pool dudes to rid the pool of algae :( I'm pretty sure the chems they'll add are a couple gallons of 10 -12.5% liquid chlorine (or a couple pounds of dry chlor :puker: :pukel: ), some algaecide and a couple gallons of antifreeze.

If you happen to be home when they come DON'T BLINK or you might miss their visit :p They had you lower the water so it sounds to me like they are going to come blow the lines, dump the chems, throw the cover on and bolt :evil: Perhaps they'll do more, like clean the filter and disassemble and store the equipment, but I wouldn't be too hopeful :wink:

I hope you get a better closing than I describe! Please let us know what they do for the $ you pay them (I might have to raise my prices :lol: ) (you may want to spend a little time this winter studying up on spring algae cleanup)
thanks for the response.. now, i'm already feelling like I'm going to get ripped off....not a good feeling.. but i guess i won't be shocked if they are here and gone in a second..eeks..
I assumed that i can't run the filter since there isn't enough water in the pool..I'm debating if i should go through the trouble of adding the water back in just to clear the algae, when there's a chance I might get a bunch in the spring.. I think I'm going to shock the pool with 2 182oz of bleach and since I can't get the filter to run due to the water depth, i'll just swirl it around with my net... i really wish I knew more about the pool to do this ourselves.. we don't have a shop vac but plan to get one after we see what the pool guy and sprinkler system guys do. We also have a waterfall, so I'm curious what they'll do to close that out too. Out of curiosity, how much do you charge for a closing? ... oh and they already said they don't clean the filter or put it away.. they just take it, i AM totally getting ripped off.. ARGH.. they also charge extra for having a vacuum and a heater.. i wonder what they do for those that make it cost $50 extra (included in the $325 I quoted).

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patplh said:
I'm debating if i should go through the trouble of adding the water back in just to clear the algae, when there's a chance I might get a bunch in the spring.. I think I'm going to shock the pool with 2 182oz of bleach and since I can't get the filter to run due to the water depth, i'll just swirl it around with my net...

That's a tough decision. If the water doesn't cost much and you have the time, I'd raise the water level and get completely rid of the algae before they close it. I think you'd have less problems opening next year that way.
#1 - Very sorry for painting you the bleak picture I did! :cry: However, from what you say, my description was pretty accurate :evil:

I find it hard to believe that you have a gunite pool and the only suction is the skimmer :eek:

Do you have a submersible pump to provide circulation while you add bleach and algaecide? How does your vacuum hook up? (you may be able to use the vac to feed the pump to get circulation)

When are they coming to close the pool? (this would make a difference on whether or not refill the pool so you can run the pump)

My boss charges $250 for a closing, regardless as to the equipment involved i.e. flat rate - for that $ we lower the water, clean the filter and other equipment, blow out the lines and plug them (including adding ~ 1 gal of antifreeze to the skimmers and air lines for spas), store the equipment where the homeowner tells us to, cover any exposed pipes at the filter pad with either plastic wrap and duct tape or use rubber plugs, add 2 gal 12.5% liquid chlorine and a quart of winter algaecide and install the cover (tightening straps on safety covers as needed). We'll also spend 5- 10 minutes scooping leaves as part of the closing, but if it takes longer than that, we'll add on an $85 surcharge for leaf removal :shock: It's a better deal than you're getting, but still nowhere near as complete as if you did the closing yourself! (You asked for our price and I wanted to give you an idea of what you'd get for your closing - prices are regional, so maybe we'd have to charge $325 if we were in your area :) )
Thanks again for the responses.. the pool guys are coming on Friday, so I've pretty much run out of time to clear out the algae.. after adding all the chlorine yesterday, the pool is still a bit green.. but it's clear. is that a bright side? :)
and i totally appreciate the honesty around pricing.. i did call around and the people I ended up going with charge about $75 less than the guy who closed this pool for the previous owner, so in some warped world, I actually came to terms with spending $325 .. but as for the pool set up, we have a kidney shaped pool with a polaris booster pump, the polaris attaches to the side of the pool that is between the two skimmers (there are two only). There is also a main drain at the deepest part of the pool along with two other circular drain-like things, which I have yet to identify what they are.. I have seen some bubbles come out of them when I start up the filter, but aside from that - not sure. sorry, i was going to post pictures a while ago to figure out what was what, but never did and here I am.. i'm such a bad trouble free pool person...just one paid closing and i swear, i'll be better :)
Since they're closing tomorrow there's not a lot you can do but what you're doing.

On a side note: while they're there adding whatever it is that they add and doing whatever it is that they do. Require them to tell you what they're doing and most especially what they're adding and how much. That way next year you'll know what was added and how to handle it. I'd also call them today and ask if they're planning on adding algaecide and if so require them to only use Polyquat 60% even if you have to pay a few dollars extra for it. That way you'll know they're not adding copper to your pool.

We'll forgive you this time but next year we expect you to close it yourself. :mrgreen: (and this from a guy that doesn't close.)
Sounds like you'll survive the winter and have minimal clean-up come spring :) Try to open the pool a little early in the spring so that 1) the algae doesn't fully bloom and 2) give you the time to deal with any algae so you can swim as soon as the weather permits :wink:

If you didn't see it coming... pics of the pool and system next spring (after it's clear :hammer: ) would help us tell you what's what with the suction and return lines (from what you just posted, I'd say you have 2 floor returns) Of particular interest, to me, is whether the main drain is plumbed through the deep end skimmer ( :rant: ) or has a dedicated line.

Good luck with the closing tomorrow and I hope to see you here over the winter!
thanks again...pool guy had some sort of emergency on Friday and said he'd come today (saturday) but was a no-show and wouldn't return any calls..
annoying,to say the least... i was hoping to have it closed before my husband heads on a business trip so we can both overwhelm the guy with questions..
on a side note.. i noticed a ton of worms in the pool recently... i have a feeling that opening this pool in the spring is going to give me a heart attack... i love our frog friends that hang out in the pool.. but can do without the salamanders and their babies, the snakes and the worms.. is there a specially designed net that will help me gather the leaves and worms before we close (since i have no idea when that will be now..) .. i would use the polaris, but since i dropped the water level already (which i SOOO wish i never did), i can't operate it.
POOL IS CLOSED! .. i can't begin to tell you how relieved I feel.. to answer the previous question.. yes, there's a main drain.. thanks to the pool people, i now know how to turn it on and turn the skimmers off.. yes, I am that clueless... the pool people were totally awesome in answering all my nagging questions.. i wonder if they thought it was strange that I was taking pictures of them as they were closing the pool.. haha
I'm going to write up a little sheet on what they did.. and I was hoping you guys can help me fill in any blanks.. i wasn't with them when they did all the stuff near the pump/filter - so I think that's where I'll need a little clarification - but honestly, i feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders and i just gained so much more knowledge about the pool.. also, they were a no-show on my scheduled date and then a no-show on the rescheduled date.... so they are going to give me a discount.. not sure how much, but any discount will be welcomed..
thanks again for all the information - i'll update this post when I put together my little write-up.. i hope you don't mind reading it and commenting back :)
thanks again again!
Always willing to provide a little help and guidance to the good folks here! :)

Your pics and list/ questions are awaited with baited breath :cool:

I'm VERY happy that you got the pool closed (and will get $.25 off of the closing for the delay :lol:)

Stick around this winter and see what you can learn :wink:
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