Managing CYA - tablets and liquid chlorine

Sep 9, 2018
About a year into house with a pool that I am maintaining. Had a pool before but hired service...this one all on me. Heavy rains over last week and pool extremely cloudy. Have been fighting algae growth past 5 weeks or so and have only been using the in-line chlorine tablet dispenser. Currently using the Chlorox tabs from Costco. Rain finally stopped and did water chemistry test (not strips) and CYA is well over 100. Obvious that is problem and I need to replace water which is under way. Question though...... seems me using tabs all summer caused this problem. If all tabs have stabilizer in do you manage when/how much tabs to use versus using liquid chlorine? Seems to me I've been doing it wrong....... My logic tells me get CYA to 50 via tabs, then use liquid chlorine weekly? What version of liquid chlorine is suggested (chlorox or specific pool liquid which is stronger)? Why are the tabs systems promoted so much if they continually increase CYA to point of losing control of pool? Thanks.
Welcome to TFP :)

I think you'll find most folks here either rely on their saltwater generators or liquid chlorine only--adding stabilizer manually and not with tabs. Of course there are exceptions but largely this is the case. Liquid chlorine, bleach, is fine as long as it doesn't have additive like the scented one or splash less bleaches do.

As for you question of "why". The pool industry largely ignores the FF/CYA relationship.
Generally we recommend getting your cya level to your target by adding cyanuric acid. If you happen to have tablets, you could use those, but they add the CYA fairly slowly. After you reach the appropriate cya level, you would switch to adding liquid chlorine daily, not weekly.

Also, be warned that the tablets from Costco I believe contain copper. And we never suggest adding copper to your pool as it can cause staining and green hair.
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