Major debris on pool


Oct 14, 2018
Honolulu, HI
I had my quartzite deck power washed four days ago. The workman blew the quartzite chips and sand into the pool, which clogged the pool filter.:mad: I am left with a pool full of quartzite debris.:( My normal backwash method is to pump the water into a sewer cutout, but the debris is heavy, like sand (and larger) and could clog the sewer line because the debris will settle and won't flow down the pipe.

My pool serviceman is coming this afternoon, and I'm pretty sure he can get the pump running again. I don't want to choke the filter again, so my plan is to use the recirculate setting to bypass the filter during whatever clean-up we try.

What I'd like to use is something that will trap and remove the debris independently of my pool equipment, if possible, but I don't know if anything like that exists.

All comments and advice would be greatly appreciated.

RTKent (Roger

Hi Roger,

I performed a clean/vac on my pool when it had heavy debris (Sand and Gravel).

I did not want the heavy stuff to reach my pump and filter so I simply used a filter sock (Hairnet) in my skimmer to capture the large stuff.

I also have a Multicyclone pre-filter mounted on the outlet of my pump which then captured the slightly finer debri before it would enter my filter.

I have used this method twice with good success - 2nd time was when the coping was installed which resulted in a fair amount of sand/concrete landing in the pool.

A quick pic of the pool floor:


Skimmer basket fitted with hairnet - You could use two layers of hairnets to ensure all of the larger debris is captured.



Just ensure that you only vacuum for 5 to 10 minutes at a time to check how full the hairnets become as you want to change them when they are only25% full or thereabouts.

Multi-Cyclone pre filter also captured a reasonable amount of finer debris which prevented it flowing into my main sand filter.

I have many (TOO MANY!!! :grrrr:) tall oak trees around my pool and get TONS of acorns and leaves in the pool. Acorns are big and heavy. When my pump went out a few weeks ago i neglected the pool and had several dozen pounds of acorns in there bunched in piles. I don't like to get it all out with my vaccuum or robot, so I use this when it gets bad. Works really really well. Maybe it could help your situation. I would buy a heavier duty bag for it tho (second link) : Poolmaster 28300 Big Sucker Swimming Pool Leaf Vacuum : Swimming Pool Handheld Vacuums : Garden Outdoor : Stanley 28923 Leaf Vacuum Bag : Garden Outdoor
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