Love-hate with pool anyone?


Bronze Supporter
Jul 22, 2017
Indianapolis, IN

Last summer we moved into a great house with a pool. When we purchased the house we had custody of our ten year old grandson, and thought would be great to have, and have all other grandkids over. Grandson has moved back in with his mom, and while he is with us still minimum every other weekend, and other grandkids are here, sometimes I’m just like I don’t want to mess with the pool at all. We have had a lot of fun when everyone is here with pool.

Dont get me wrong, I think our pool is beautiful. We have had a couple of problems this summer - replaced sand filter, we bought a dolphin (best money spent ever) and fought algae when water got too low and pump didn’t work right. Also have had a lot of stressors, father in law and step son in hospital/rehabs multiple times since spring through last week and at about 1-2 hours away and have been back and forth a lot with that too.

So, I’m not sure if I am just overall tired in general? I love the pool when I’m in it, family here, etc. We do all the care of pool except for opening and closing, but with dolphin that has cut back a lot. I think sometimes maybe it was just one more thing I had to care for this summer so didn’t enjoy as much.

I don't want want to sell house or fill pool, but I must admit sometimes I have thought about it. Anyone else ever go through feeling that way? That even has made me feel guilty/sad this summer.

thanks for listening! I love this forum!

A pool is a living thing that needs constant attention. It is not an inanimate object that you can park in a closet and take out and use when you want.

The purpose of this site is to develop methods that are as trouble free as possible and take as little attention as possible. The two best devices for a TFP are a SWG and a pool cleaner. I don't see a SWG in your equipment list.
A pool is a living thing that needs constant attention. It is not an inanimate object that you can park in a closet and take out and use when you want.

The purpose of this site is to develop methods that are as trouble free as possible and take as little attention as possible. The two best devi9ces for a TFP are a SWG and a pool cleaner. I don't see a SWG in your equipment list.

Thanks! Is SWG salt water generator? My husband and I have talked about that, but with everything else this summer haven’t researched it at all. So briefly, the SWG cuts down in care of pool too? The Dolphin has been wonderful!

Thank you!
SWG = salt water generator

I am assuming you are following TFPC methods and using liquid Chlorine/bleach. That means you need to check CL every day or two and do runs to stores to fill up on CL. That all goes away with a SWG once you get it dialed in. The SWG generates chlorine while your pump is running.

Once you have your CL needs automated by a SWG then you just need to manage PH. Some folks have automated their PH management with a Pentair Intellichem system or Stenner Pump.

So with some effort and money you just check that all the equipment is operating properly and have to do little. Pools still like a weekly brushing.
SWG = salt water generator

I am assuming youa re following TFPC methods and using liquid Chlorine/bleach. That means you need to check CL every day or two and do runs to stores to fill up on CL. That all goes away with a SWG once you get it dialed in. The SWG generates chlorine while your pump is running.

Once you have your CL needs automated by a SWG then you just need to manage PH. Some folks have automated their PH management with a Pentair Intellichem system or Stenner Pump.

So with some effort and money you just check that all the equipment is operating properly and have to do little. Pools still like a weekly weekly brushing.

Thank you for the suggestions! You are correct we follow TFPC testing and guidelines. We will check into SWG probably over winter for next spring. Also contemplating some type of cover for when it is open, but cost is an issue with that.

Thanks again! I feel better already!
A pool is a living thing that needs constant attention. It is not an inanimate object that you can park in a closet and take out and use when you want.

The purpose of this site is to develop methods that are as trouble free as possible and take as little attention as possible. The two best devi9ces for a TFP are a SWG and a pool cleaner. I don't see a SWG in your equipment list.

Oh I so agree that a pool is like a living thing-like a pet. You can’t ignore it. And really sometimes when you are feeling tired or bad and you just don’t feel like dealing with the pool, the necessity of care gets your mind off things even for just a little while. Life can be difficult sometimes but even a few happy days in a sparkling pool with family is worth the effort. Hang in there!
I definitely have had second thoughts about our pool and we have only just recently finished building! For me when there are major dramas elsewhere in life happening and when the pool equipment isn’t functioning as it should I curse the thing and wonder what we were thinking. On the other hand when the pool is being used by our boys I think it was probably the best thing we have done. We built the pool for us though as one day they will leave home and it needed to be something we wanted. It is winter here so I have only had one swim and that wasn’t pleasant. I think once I’m able to use it and have it give me something back after the six months of complete care and dedication I’ve given it I will feel like it is less and less of a burden. It’s a bit like a new baby really [emoji23] A SWCG is definitely the way to go. You can also get a system that will dose acid automatically. We have both and it makes caring for it so much easier. My advise is also to get IN. Find the time to swim or just relax in and around the pool. Assuming you are in summer now and the water is nice. Take advantage and bond with your pool by yourselves without grandkids etc. Hopefully it will become an asset that you appreciate not just entertainment for other people.
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