Lots of test results today


New member
Aug 4, 2023
Hi all, great site, thanks everyone for making it what it is!

I started taking care of this pool last year, and kept it half clear most of the time. I've got a minor in chem and have maintained several fish tanks over the years. Licensed general contractor as well. I winterized it myself with TFPs help and, thanks God, didn't have to break out the concrete saw this spring.

I know I need to buy the expensive test kit now. I tried to scrimp, and am seeing inaccurate test results all over the place. Can anyone make heads or tails of these results while I wait on the good kit to arrive? Any guesses as to which metrics are accurate for instance?

I think I'm at max range on quite a few parameters. I found it interesting that pool store said CYA at 135 was good with FCl at 1.6ppm. Pool store's "optimizer" metric looks like it might be borates. They have 32 whereas my guess strip showed maybe half that. Pool has been clear all year thanks to you all and a better dose of FCl than in years past, the neighborhood says thanks.

Thank you for reading, and if you would be so kind, go

Poolmaster 5way Test Kit
Cl (OTO test): 4.0
pH: 7.5
TA: 180-190
Acid demand. None indicated

7-in-1 test strip
Hardness 90
FCl 3
Total 4
TA 200
pH 7.7

5way strip
FCl 2
Alk 200
pH 7.6
TH 80

5 tests-in-1 strip
FCl 1.5
pH. 7.4
TA. 200
CYA. 0

Borate strip 15
Peace be with you
There is no point in trying to decipher unreliable inaccurate test results.

When you get your test kit post accurate results and we can help.

What expensive test kit did you order?

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