Local source for Muriatic acid?


Gold Supporter
Sep 16, 2016
Katonah NY

I'm looking to lower my total alkalinity in my vinyl hot tub from 140 down to maybe 90 or so.

Is Muriatic acid something I can get locally from Lowe's or hardware store?

My pH is a little high also so I'm guessing that lowering the TA and Pa using the acid should work.


Don't know your area, but it's the one item I have found resonably priced at the pool store. They have the 31% that you will want since it gets you the most bang for your buck. If you have a Leslie's, they sell it but you need to ask them for it since they store it in the back.

Home Depot and Lowes should carry it too, but it's usually half strength in the pool section. Some have found the full strength in the paint section, but I have not had any luck finding it
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